Starting Shot for the RUN Parliament | 2007 |
In February each year, the RUN Parliament is held. It is a highly appreciated initiative by Mid Sweden University. It brings chief education officers, school politicians and teacher trainers from our region together to exchange experiences.
RUN is a regional development network between the municipalities in the counties of Jämtland, Västernorrland and Hälsingland, the teacher education, the National Agency of Special Needs Education and Schools, the Association of Local Authorities in the county of Västernorrland and Region Jämtland Härjedalen.
The RUN Parliament provides the opportunity to learn about the development work of other schools and municipalities, or to initiate various development and research projects. Seminars and lectures are held, and there is plenty of time for discussion. The key word is collaboration.
– A majority of the teachers and head teachers that we educate here at Mid Sweden University will be teaching in our county, which is why it is important for us to know what the preschools and schools are looking for. On their part, they get an opportunity to hear about the research that we carry out and what plans we have for the future, says Monika Karlsson, RUN coordinator.
Every year, RUN attracts around 150 participants and it is highly appreciated.
– Several people have told me that the RUN Parliament is the only place where representatives of the schools in the Mid Sweden region are gathered. It has become an even more important centre of collaboration than what we could have ever guessed, says Monika.