The Research Strategy for 2012‑2016
On page 2 of Mid Sweden University’s Research Strategy for 2012-2016, it states, among other things, that “the research at Mid Sweden University should be of high academic quality and be relevant to the surrounding society”. The strategy is divided into four focus areas and Professor Håkan Wiklund provides a brief description of the priorities of each area.
The Effects of Research
– In this area, we want to work even more on the utilization of our research, that is to make sure that it is of use to society. We also want to increase the number of scientific publications and become even more visible, both in popular science and in the public debate.
The Research Environments
– It is the aim of Mid Sweden University to build strong and focused research environments that are characterized by curiosity and participation. One way of achieving that is through clear academic leadership. We will also ensure that our research programmes and third-cycle courses are of a high national and international quality.
Research Career
– The strategy states that we will be an attractive workplace on equal terms. The conditions will be good for recruiting and keeping employees, our career paths will be clear and all research staff will be offered capacity building.
Research Resources
– In this area, we will work on securing a high and stable financing for our research activities and we want to continue to have a wide range of contributors in the future. We will expand and maintain the infrastructure for research and make the management of applications and projects even more efficient.