Lunch seminar:Visual analytics with information visualization
Welcome to an open lunch seminar on the topic "Visual analytics with information visualization".
Welcome to the a lunch seminar on the topic "Visual analytics with information visualization" held by Emin Zerman, associate senior lecturer at Mid Sweden University.
The seminar is organized within the research project InfoViz which offers support for data visualization through data clinics, tailored master thesis projects, and visualization workshops. You can find a short video of us on the project website describing how InfoViz project can be beneficial for you.
Emin Zerman, associate senior lecturer at Mid Sweden University, working together with Prof. Mårten Sjöström. Funded by the Knowledge Foundation, He will be working on Information Visualization and Visual Analytics of any kind of data, as part of "InfoViz“ project, to support the industry and the community in Västernorrland and Jämtland through research and education.
Title of seminar: Visual analytics with information visualization
Date: June 8, 2023
Time: 12:00-13:00
Place: Mid Sweden University campus Sundsvall, L-building, Room L408
or Online via Zoom.
This event is part of InfoViz Lunchtime Seminar Series. Click here to learn more about this series: InfoViz Lunch Seminars