Celebrate CERN 70 Years | miun.se

Celebrate CERN 70 Years

Mon 16 Sep 2024 12.00–16.00

On the border between Switzerland and France, CERN houses the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments for investigating the subatomic world. Welcome to join the exhibition area and the lunch seminar in Grönborg on September 16th 2024.

CERN laboratoriet 70 år

How has CERN affected all our lives since the facility was first taken into use 70 years ago? Or, perhaps more intriguing, what is going on at CERN right now, and what kind of competencies is CERN looking for to work on the unanswered questions about how the universe works and what it is made of? Join us to learn about all this and more.

This year holds special significance for the research facility – on 29 September, it turns 70. And, even though so much has already been discovered through CERN, it feels like the work has just begun.

Join the CERN 70 Anniversary tour for a day of activities – an exhibition, an inspiring lunch seminar, and an evening event, including a popular scientific talk on current research at CERN. The evening event is held in Swedish.

It is the perfect opportunity to get a look deeply into what CERN has done and does and how you can be a part of future of the world's most spoken about research facility.

Are you a student, and perhaps you have never thought that CERN could be the next step in your career? Find out what it is like to join one of CERN’s many student programs and get to know more about the challenges you would be working on at CERN.

As a research facility, CERN requires people with innovative mindsets and diverse skills in everything from engineering and computer science to administration and international relations.

12:15–13:00 Lunch seminar – opportunities for students

Anton Lu from CERN and Jonas Strandberg, associate professor at KTH currently working on research at CERN – speaks about the activities at CERN and lets you in on the exciting opportunities available for students at one of the world’s largest research laboratories. 

The seminar is free of charge, but registration in advance is required (Link at the top of the page). Lunch (vegetarian) is included if you register.

The seminar is held in English.

WHERE: Sal Apelsinlemonad, Grönborg, Storgatan 73, Sundsvall. Seats 40 people.

Read more and register


Public event Evening

The day ends with an popular evening event on the work and research at CERN. At Kulturmagasinet, Programsalen, Packhusgatan 4, Sundsvall. The evening event will be held in Swedish.

Speaker Christian Öhm, KTH researcher

Read more and register for the public event Evening




The page was updated 9/3/2024