Olof designed Mid Sweden University's anniversary badge

Tue 21 Jan 2025 12:00

At the age of 23, Olof Almgren from Uppsala has just won his first prestigious competition in graphic design, namely the one to design Mid Sweden University's 20th anniversary badge.

kollage av person och en logga

The anniversary badge for the celebration of Mid Sweden University's 20th anniversary consists of two distinct black circles that create the number 20.

"I wanted the design to be very graphic and typographic, typography is one of the things I like most about the programme," says Olof, who is in the third year of the Graphic Design programme.

If you take a closer look at the mark, you will also see that the 2 is drawn in a way that makes a mountain stand out against the white. Of course, it's completely intentional. Almost.

"I hadn't quite planned for it to be a mountain, it was a bit of luck when I sat and drawn. But it turned out very well, the mountain symbolizes the place I study in and it works very well for Östersund as well.

"It's always fun to win"

It was early last autumn that the students on the Graphic Design programme had the opportunity to participate in the competition to design Mid Sweden University's 20th anniversary badge. Of all the participating entries, it was ultimately Olof's design that emerged victorious.

"Of course, it was very fun to win, I had almost forgotten that I had submitted an entry. It's always fun to win," says Olof.

This summer, he will graduate and hope to find an internship. Then he hopes for a job in graphic design.

"We'll see if the logo can help with that.

This is how the end result was:

Mörkblå bakgrund med gildglitter och texten Mittuniversitetet 20 år 2005-2025.

The page was updated 1/21/2025