Cecilia Dalborg
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Professional title: Senior Lecturer
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428194
- Email: cecilia.dalborg@miun.se
- Visitor address: Kunskapens väg 4
- Room number: A236
- Location: Östersund
- Employed at the subject:
- Business Administration
Research projects
Business Models Empowering Rural Social Entrepreneurship - voicing the rural norm
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Articles in journals
Sabel, K. , Dalborg, C. , von Friedrichs, Y. & Kallmuenzer, A. (2024). The importance of network coopetition for the robustness of micro-enterprises in times of crisis. International Small Business Journal, vol. 42: 6, pp. 751-774.
Dalborg, C. , Skoglund, W. , Wally Ryan, A. , Högberg, L. , Junker, E. , Rennemo, Ø. & von Friedrichs, Y. (2023). Craft breweries and local place development – Perspectives from a Scandinavian context. Local Economy, vol. 38: 2, pp. 155-176.
Dalborg, C. & von Friedrichs, Y. (2021). The role of business advisers in supporting social entrepreneurship. Social Enterprise Journal, vol. 17: 2, pp. 280-301.
Sörensson, A. , Dalborg, C. , Grande, J. & Carlsson, E. (2018). Entreprenørskap i naturbaserte næringer – faktorer som fremmer og hemmer idéutvikling og sysselsetting. Søkelys på arbeidslivet, vol. 35: 3, pp. 186-202.
Sörensson, A. & Dalborg, C. (2017). Female entrepreneurs in nature-based businesses : working conditions, well-being, and everyday life situation. Society, health and vulnerability, vol. 8: 1
Dalborg, C. , von Friedrichs, Y. & Wincent, J. (2015). Risk perception matters : why women's passion may not lead to a business start-up. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, vol. 7: 1, pp. 87-104.
Dalborg, C. & Wincent, J. (2015). The idea is not enough : The role of self-efficacy in mediating the relationship between pull entrepreneurship and founder passion – a research note. International Small Business Journal, vol. 33: 8, pp. 974-984.
Dalborg, C. (2015). The life cycle in women-owned businesses : From a qualitative growth perspective. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, vol. 7: 2, pp. 126-147.
Dalborg, C. , von Friedrichs, Y. & Wincent, J. (2012). Beyond the numbers: qualitative growth in women's businesses. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, vol. 4: 3, pp. 289-315.
Chapters in books
Sabel, K. , Dalborg, C. & von Friedrichs, Y. (2023). Resilient Businesses in Times of Crisis : Pandemic Effects on Competence Strategies in Rural Family SMEs. In Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Family Firms. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 166-191.
Dalborg, C. & von Friedrichs, Y. (2019). Går det att mäta värdet av det sociala entreprenörskapet. In Samhällsentreprenörskap och socialt värdeskapande i Norden. Steinkjer : Embla Akademisk.
Dalborg, C. , Ribjer, A. & von Friedrichs, Y. (2019). Rådgivning till samhällsentreprenörer och sociala företag – behövs det nya verktyg och modeller?. In Samhällsentreprenörskap och regionalt värdeskapande i Norden. Steinkjer : Embla Akademisk. pp. 117-140.
von Friedrichs, Y. & Dalborg, C. (2019). Samhällsentreprenörskapets ekosystem i svenska glesbygdskommuner. In Samhällsentreprenörskap och regionalt värdeskapande i Norden. Steinkjer : Embla Akademisk. pp. 51-78.
Dalborg, C. & von Friedrichs, Y. (2019). Social motiverat entreprenörskap även i små och medelstora företag. In Samhällsentreprenörskap och regionalt värdeskapande i Norden. Steinkjer : Embla Akademisk. pp. 27-50.
von Friedrichs, Y. & Dalborg, C. (2016). Gender equal entrepreneurship driver for regional renewal?. In Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas, volume 11.. Gifu, Japan : Gifu University.
Dalborg, C. & Rennemo, Ø. (2013). Betydelsen av kreativitet i kvinnors företagande. In Kvinnors företag och företagande kvinnor : Tillväxtentreprenörer i Skandinavien. Trondheim : Akademika forlag.
Dalborg, C. (2013). Tillväxt i kvinnors företag. In Kvinners foretak og foretakende kvinner : vekstentreprenører i Skandinavia. Trondheim : Akademika forlag.
Conference papers
Sabel, K. , Dalborg, C. & von Friedrichs, Y. (2022). Business Support Systems in Times of Crisis : Lessons Learned from Institutional Mismatch. Paper presented at the RENT XXXVI (36th Conference on Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business), Naples, Italy, November 16-18, 2022
von Friedrichs, Y. , Sabel, K. & Dalborg, C. (2022). Coopetition in Rural Micro-Enterprises in Times of Crisis : The Case of REKO. Paper presented at the NFF 2022 (The 26th Nordic Academy of Management Conference), Örebro, Sweden, August 24-26, 2022.
Grande, J. , Dalborg, C. , Sabel, K. , Lovsletten, T. , von Friedrichs, Y. & Håpnes, L. (2022). Robust Rural Businesses in Times of Crisis : The Role of Resources and Capabilities. Paper presented at the NCSB 2022 (Nordic Conference on Small Business Research), Kolding, Denmark, May 18-20, 2022.
Grande, J. , Carlsson, E. , Sörensson, A. & Dalborg, C. (2022). The dynamics of rural entrepreneurial ecosystems - Energizing potential growth in nature based micro-firmspotential growth in nature based micro-firms. Paper presented at the NCSB2022, Kolding, Denmark, 19-20 May, 2022
Dalborg, C. , von Friedrichs, Y. , Sabel, K. , Grande, J. , Lovsletten, T. & Håpnes, L. (2022). The Importance of Government Corona Support for Business Robustness : A Comparative Study in the Artisan Food and Tourism Industry in Norway and Sweden. Paper presented at the NFF 2022 (The 26th Nordic Academy of Management Conference), Örebro, Sweden, August 24-26, 2022.
Sabel, K. , Dalborg, C. & von Friedrichs, Y. (2021). Crisis Management and Competence Strategies for Resilient Family-owned SMEs. Paper presented at the RENT XXXV (35th Conference on Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business), Turku, Finland, November 17-19, 2021.
von Friedrichs, Y. & Dalborg, C. (2019). One does not fit all - Social entrepreneurship’s need for relevant advisory models.. Paper presented at the The 25th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Vaasa, Finland, 22-24 August, 2019
Dalborg, C. & von Friedrichs, Y. (2019). To measure the immeasurable- The key issue in social entrepreneurship?. Paper presented at the The 25th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Vaasa, Finland, 22–24 August, 2019
Dalborg, C. & von Friedrichs, Y. (2019). What Knowledge Do Business Advisers Have On Social Entrepreneurship?. Paper presented at the RENT XXXIII, Berlin, 28-29 November, 2019
von Friedrichs, Y. & Dalborg, C. (2018). Prerequisites for local citizen driven social entrepreneurship : the case of public-private collaboration in rural Sweden. In Social capital and development trends in rural area vol.12.
Grande, J. , Carlsson, E. , Sörensson, A. & Dalborg, C. (2018). The role of regional support system in driving innovations. Paper presented at the Nordic Conference on Small Business Research (NCSB), Luleå, 23-25 May 2018
von Friedrichs, Y. & Dalborg, C. (2018). The Times They Are a-Changing : prerequisites for social entrepreneurship in rural Sweden. Paper presented at the SEWF 2018 Academic Symposium, Glasgow, 10-11 September, 2018
Dalborg, C. , von Friedrichs, Y. & Säterberg, E. (2017). Beyond financial gain : socially motivated entrepreneurship. Paper presented at the The 24th Nordic Academy of Management conference, Bodø, Norway, 23-25 August 2017
von Friedrichs, Y. & Dalborg, C. (2017). Regional Development and Social Entrepreneuraship in Sweden - a project where research makes a difference!. Paper presented at the Forskarfredag
von Friedrichs, Y. & Dalborg, C. (2017). Social entrepreneurship in everyday life : contextual prerequisites for people-centered development. Paper presented at the The 24th Nordic Academy of Management conference, Bodø, Norway, 23-25 August 2017
Sörensson, A. & Dalborg, C. (2016). Arbetslivets förutsättningar för kvinnor inom de gröna näringarna.. In Inkluderande och hållbart arbetsliv : Book of abstracts – FALF 2016.. pp. 43-
Dalborg, C. & Bogren, M. (2016). Growth in women´s businesses in the light of time. Paper presented at the Diana International Research Conference 2016 Theme: Gender in family business & Gender and innovation Nord University, Bodø, Norway, June 12-14, 2016
Sörensson, A. , Dalborg, C. & Bogren, M. (2016). National branding : What role does food play?. In Valuing and Evaluating Creativity for Sustainable Regional Development Östersund September 11-14, 2016 Proceedings. Östersund : . pp. 38--38.
Sörensson, A. , Bogren, M. & Dalborg, C. (2016). Nature Based Businesses – Long Term Sustainable Businesses?. Paper presented at the The 5th international conference on social responsibility, ethics, and sustainable business (ICSR), October 6-7, 2016, Milan, Italy
Sörensson, A. & Dalborg, C. (2016). Nature based businesses in rural and sparsely populated areas : How to support women’s entrepreneurship for more sustainable businesses?. Paper presented at the ICSB 2016 World Conference, New Jersey, June 15 - June 18, 2016
Sörensson, A. & Dalborg, C. (2016). Women's entrepreneurship in nature based businesses : What kind of support and advice system are needed?. Paper presented at the 9th Diana International Research Conference, Bodö, June 12-14, 2016
Bogren, M. & Dalborg, C. (2015). Entrepreneurship - the creation of temporary organizations?. Paper presented at the RENT conference XXIX, 18-20 nov 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.
von Friedrichs, Y. & Dalborg, C. (2015). Gender equal entrepreneurship driver for regional renewal?. Paper presented at the The 12th Workshop on Social Capital and Development Trends in the Swedish and Japanese Countryside, Takayama, Japan, 23-25 Maj, 2016
von Friedrichs, Y. , Dalborg, C. & Wincent, J. (2012). Risk perceptions, Passion and Self-efficacy : Why Women are Less Inclined to Start-up New Ventures. Paper presented at the 26TH RENT conference,Lyon, France, November 21-23
von Friedrichs Grängsjö, Y. , Dalborg, C. , Asproth, V. & Nyström, C. A. (2007). Arena för hållbar innovativ småföretagsutveckling : Samverkande i handling mellan akademi, företag och offentlig sektor. In HSS07 : Högskolor och Samhälle i Samverkan.
Dalborg, C. & von Friedrichs Grängsjö, Y. (2005). Supportive measures to promote the establishment of companies. In The 18th Scandinavian Academy of Management.
Doctoral theses
Dalborg, C. (2014). GAMLA VILLFARELSER och NYA VERKLIGHETER? : En studie om föreställningar och förutsättningar för entreprenörskap. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Östersund : Mittuniversitetet, 2014 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 199)
Cawthorn, A. , Sörensson, A. , Dalborg, C. & Grande, J. (2018). GRENI – Forskningsprojekt kring gröna näringar.
von Friedrichs Grängsjö, Y. , Dalborg, C. , Asproth, V. & Nyström, C. A. (2007). Arena för hållbar innovativ småföretagsutveckling-Samverkande i handling mellan akademi, företag och offentlig sektor. Jönköping : Högskolan i Jönköping (Science, university and society 2007:5).
von Friedrich Grängsjö, Y. , Dalborg, C. , Asproth, V. & Nyström, C. A. (2007). Forskningsprojektet Arena för hållbar innovativ småföretagsutveckling : Samverkande i handling mellan akademi, företag och offentlig sektor. Mittuniversitetet