Anders Flykt

Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer


Articles in journals

Johansson, M. , Hartig, T. , Frank, J. & Flykt, A. (2024). Vulnerability and fascination with wildlife encounters and psychological restoration in local natural settings. Human Dimensions of Wildlife,    

Johansson, M. , Hartig, T. , Frank, J. & Flykt, A. (2024). Wildlife and public perceptions of opportunities for psychological restoration in local natural settings. People and Nature, vol. 6: 2, pp. 800-817.  

Johansson, M. , Flykt, A. , Frank, J. & Hartig, T. (2024). Wildlife and the restorative potential of natural settings. Journal of Environmental Psychology, vol. 94  

Flykt, A. , Dewari, A. , Fallhagen, M. , Molin, A. , Odda, A. , Ring, J. & Hess, U. (2023). Emotion recognition accuracy only weakly predicts empathic accuracy in a standard paradigm and in real life interactions. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 14  

Flykt, A. , Eklund, A. , Frank, J. & Johansson, M. (2022). “Landscape of Stress” for Sheep Owners in the Swedish Wolf Region. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 10  

Johansson, M. , Flykt, A. , Frank, J. & Hartig, T. (2021). Appraisals of Wildlife During Restorative Opportunities in Local Natural Settings. Frontiers in Environmental Science, vol. 9    

Flykt, A. , Hörlin, T. , Linder, F. , Wennstig, A. , Sayeler, G. , Hess, U. & Bänziger, T. (2021). Exploring Emotion Recognition and the Understanding of Others’ Unspoken Thoughts and Feelings when Narrating Self-Experienced Emotional Events. Journal of nonverbal behavior, vol. 45, pp. 67-81.    

Eklund, A. , Flykt, A. , Frank, J. & Johansson, M. (2020). Animal owners’ appraisal of large carnivore presence and use of interventions to prevent carnivore attacks on domestic animals in Sweden. European Journal of Wildlife Research, vol. 66: 2    

Eklund, A. , Johansson, M. , Flykt, A. , Andrén, H. & Frank, J. (2020). Believed effect - A prerequisite but not a guarantee for acceptance of carnivore management interventions. Biological Conservation, vol. 241    

Eklund, A. , Johansson, M. , Flykt, A. , Andren, H. & Frank, J. (2020). Drivers of intervention use to protect domestic animals from large carnivore attacks. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 25: 4, pp. 339-354.    

Johansson, M. , Mysterud, A. & Flykt, A. (2020). Livestock owners' worry and fear of tick-borne diseases. Parasites & Vectors, vol. 13: 1    

Johansson, M. , Hallgren, L. , Flykt, A. , Støen, O. , Thelin, L. & Frank, J. (2019). Communication Interventions and Fear of Brown Bears : Considerations of Content and Format. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 7    

Johansson, M. , Flykt, A. , Frank, J. & Støen, O. (2019). Controlled exposure reduces fear of brown bears. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 24: 4, pp. 363-379.    

Johansson, M. , Frank, J. , Støen, O. & Flykt, A. (2017). An Evaluation of Information Meetings as a Tool for Addressing Fear of Large Carnivores. Society & Natural Resources, vol. 30: 3, pp. 281-298.  

Flykt, A. , Bänziger, T. & Lindeberg, S. (2017). Intensity of vocal responses to spider and snake pictures in fearful individuals. Australian journal of psychology, vol. 69: 3, pp. 184-191.  

Johansson, M. , Støen, O. -. & Flykt, A. (2016). Exposure as an Intervention to Address Human Fear of Bears. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 21: 4, pp. 311-327.  

Frank, J. , Johansson, M. & Flykt, A. (2015). Public attitude towards the implementation of management actions aimed at reducing human fear of brown bears and wolves. Wildlife Biology, vol. 21: 3, pp. 122-130.    

Flykt, A. , Johansson, M. , Karlsson, J. & Lipp, O. V. (2013). Fear of Wolves and Bears : Physiological Responses and Negative Associations in a Swedish Sample. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 18: 6, pp. 416-434.  

Bjärtå, A. , Flykt, A. & Sundin, Ö. (2013). The effect of using different distractor sets in visual search with spiders and snakes on spider-sensitive and non-fearful participants.. Swiss Journal of Psychology, vol. 72: 4, pp. 171-179.  

Johansson, M. , Karlsson, J. , Pedersen, E. & Flykt, A. (2012). Factors Governing Human Fear of Brown Bear and Wolf. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 17: 1, pp. 58-74.  

Flykt, A. , Lindeberg, S. & Derakshan, N. (2012). Fear makes you stronger : Responding to feared animal targets in visual search. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, vol. 74: 7, pp. 1437-1445.  

Esteves, F. , Arriaga, P. , Carneiro, P. & Flykt, A. (2010). Emotional responses (verbal and psychophysiological) to pictures of food stimuli. Psicologia, vol. 24: 2, pp. 89-111.

Soares, S. C. , Esteves, F. & Flykt, A. (2009). Fear, but not fear-relevance, modulates reaction times in visual search with animal distractors. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, vol. 23: 1, pp. 136-144.  

Flykt, A. , Dan, E. S. & Scherer, K. R. (2009). Using a probe detection task to assess the timing of intrinsic pleasantness appraisals. Swiss Journal of Psychology, vol. 68: 3, pp. 161-171.  

Flykt, A. & Bjärtå, A. (2008). The time course of resource allocation in spider fearful participants during fear reactions. Cognition & Emotion, vol. 22: 7, pp. 1381-1400.  

Aue, T. , Flykt, A. & Scherer, K. R. (2007). First Evidence for Differential and Sequential Efferent Effects of stimulus relevance and goal conduciveness appraisal. Biological Psychology, vol. 74: 3, pp. 347-357.  

Flykt, A. , Esteves, F. & Öhman, A. (2007). Skin Conductance Responses to Masked Conditioned stimuli : Phylogenetic/Ontogenetic Factors versus direction of threat?. Biological Psychology, vol. 74: 3, pp. 328-336.  

Flykt, A. (2006). Preparedness for action : Responding to the snake in the grass. American Journal of Psychology, vol. 119: 1, pp. 29-43.

Flykt, A. & Caldara, R. (2006). Tracking fear in snake and spider fearful participants during visual search : A multi-response domain study. Cognition & Emotion, vol. 20: 8, pp. 1075-1091.  

Scherer, K. , Dan, E. & Flykt, A. (2006). What Determines a Feeling's Position in Affective Space? : A case for appraisal. Cognition & Emotion, vol. 20: 1, pp. 92-113.  

Flykt, A. (2005). Visual search with biological threat stimuli : Accuracy, reaction times, and heart rate changes.. Emotion, vol. 5: 3, pp. 349-353.  

Öhman, A. , Flykt, A. & Esteves, F. (2001). Emotion drives attention : Detecting the snake in the grass. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, vol. 130: 3, pp. 466-478.  

Parra, C. , Esteves, F. , Flykt, A. & Öhman, A. (1997). Pavlovian conditioning to social stimuli : Backward masking and the dissociation of implicit and explicit cognitive processes.. European Psychologist, vol. 2: 2, pp. 106-117.  

Articles, reviews/surveys

Johansson, M. , Ferreira, I. A. , Støen, O. , Frank, J. & Flykt, A. (2016). Targeting human fear of large carnivores — Many ideas but few known effects. Biological Conservation, vol. 201, pp. 261-269.  

Chapters in books

Öhman, A. , Flykt, A. & Lundqvist, D. (2000). Unconscious emotion : Evolutionary perspectives, psychophysiological data, and neuropsychological mechanisms. In The Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion. New York : Oxford University Press.

Öhman, A. , Esteves, F. , Flykt, A. & Soares, J. J. F. (1993). Gateways to consciousness : Emotion, attention, and electrodermal activity. In Progress in electrodermal research : NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Electrodermal Activity: From Physiology to Psychology. New York : Plenum Press (NATO ASI series. Series A, Life sciences).

Conference papers

Aue, T. , Flykt, A. & Scherer, K. (2005). First Evidence for Differential and Sequential Efferent Effects of Goal Relevance and Goal Conduciveness Appraisal. : Poster presented at ISRE 2005, Bari, Italy..

Dan, E. , Aue, T. , Flykt, A. & Scherer, K. (2005). ON USING RT AND FACIAL EMG TO EXAMINE THETEMPORAL SEQUENCE OF NOVELTY AND VALENCE APPRAISAL : Presentation at the SPR-meeting.

Bjärtå, A. , Bernhardsson, J. , Eriksson, L. & Flykt, A. (2005). Potenial biological threats, fear, and perceptual factors..

Scherer, K. , Roesch, E. & Flykt, A. (2005). Using Computational models to disambiguate emotion theories. : presentation at ISRE 2005, Bari, Italy..

Flykt, A. (2004). Preparedness to act on fear-relevant stimuli : Meeting abstract. In PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY. (Psychophysiologi). pp. S19--S19.

Flykt, A. (2003). Emotion drives automatized motor activity: Responding to the snake in the grass..

Robalo, S. , Frere, C. , Carneiro, P. , Ferreira, P. , Flykt, A. & Esteves, F. (2003). Emotional responses to food-related pictures in young female subjects.. In Abstracts of the IIIrd Congress of the Spanish Society of Psychophysiology. (JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY). pp. 51--51.  

Esteves, F. , Carneiro, P. , Ferreira, P. A. & Flykt, A. (2002). Skin conductance responses and heart rate changes to food-related stimuli : Meeting abstract. In International Journal of Psychophysiology.. pp. 163--163.  


Berhardsson, J. , Bjärtå, A. & Flykt, A. Visual search with schematic faces: Perceptual artifacts.


Skogen, K. , Johansson, M. , Figari, H. , Flykt, A. & Krange, O. (2018). Erfaringer med ulv. Trondheim : Norsk Institutt for naturforskning (NINA rapport 1567).  

The page was updated 5/7/2021