Josef Hien
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428264
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- Location: Sundsvall
- Employed at the subject:
- Political Science
Articles in journals
Articles, book reviews
Chapters in books
Articles in journals
Hien, J. & Norman, L. (2023). Public broadcasting and democracy’s defense : responses to far-right parties in Germany and Sweden. Democratization, vol. 30: 6, pp. 1160-1181.
Hien, J. (2023). The rise and fall of ordoliberalism. Socio-Economic Review,
Akaliyski, P. , Welzel, C. & Hien, J. (2022). A community of shared values? : Dimensions and dynamics of cultural integration in the European Union. Journal of European Integration, vol. 44: 4, pp. 569-590.
Hien, J. (2021). Culture and tax avoidance : the case of Italy. Critical Policy Studies, vol. 15: 2, pp. 247-268.
Hien, J. & Wolkenstein, F. (2021). Where Does Europe End? : Christian Democracy and the Expansion of Europe*. Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 59: 6, pp. 1623-1639.
Hien, J. (2020). A Cultural Political Economy Approach to the European Crisis. Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 58: 4, pp. 1056-1073.
Hien, J. & Joerges, C. (2020). Cultural Political Economy and Conflicts Law : A new way to approach the Eurozone crisis. Global Perspectives, vol. 1
Hien, J. (2020). European integration and the reconstitution of socio-economic ideologies : Protestant ordoliberalism vs social Catholicism. Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 27: 9, pp. 1368-1387.
Hien, J. & Kneip, S. (2020). Faith based welfare providers in an age of social diversity. German Politics, vol. 29: 2, pp. 244-261.
Hien, J. (2019). The Religious Foundations of the European Crisis. Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 57: 2, pp. 185-204.
Hien, J. & Joerges, C. (2018). Dead man walking? Current European interest in the ordoliberal tradition. European Law Journal, vol. 24: 2-3, pp. 142-162.
Articles, book reviews
Hien, J. (2021). Nine Lives of Neoliberalism. Critical Policy Studies, vol. 15: 3, pp. 398-400.
Hien, J. (2021). Rezension: Gab es eine Ordoliberalisierung Europas? Thomas Biebrichers Rekonstruktion des Neoliberalismus wirft wichtige Fragen auf. Ethik und Gesellschaft, : 2, pp. 1-10.
Chapters in books
Hien, J. (2022). The Social Market Economy and Ordoliberalism—A Difficult Relationship. In The Oxford Handbook of Ordoliberalism. Oxford University Press. pp. 333-346.