Staffan Löfquist
- Professional title: Universitetslektor
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428016
- Email:
- Room number: D328
- Location: Sundsvall
- Department:
- Department of Education (UTV)
Articles in journals
Conference papers
Articles in journals
Boström, L. & Löfquist, S. (2012). Students Study Results, A question of Styles, Strategies, or (mis) Matching?. Journal of Studies in Education, vol. 2: 4, pp. 79-97.
Conference papers
Boström, L. & Löfquist, S. (2012). Students Study Results, A Question of Styles, Strategies, or (mis) Matching?. Paper presented at the NFPF/NERA's 40th Congress: Everyday life, education and their transformations in a Nordic and globalized context