Elin Montelius
Universitetslektor|Senior Lecturer
- Professional title: Senior Lecturer
- Academic title: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428188
- Email: elin.montelius@miun.se
- Room number: P3305
- Location: Östersund
- Sociology
- Risk and Crisis Research Centre
Employed at the subject:
Research centers:
PhD-student in sociology.
My research focuses on how food risks are constructed and articulated, from an intersectional perspective. My research is carried out in relation to the Forum for Gender Studies and the Risk and Crisis Research Centre.
Research projects
'Doing' household preparedness: A critical approach to preparedness discourses and practices
Transforming cities and towns to sustainable food systems through urban gardening
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Doctoral theses, monographs
Articles in journals
Montelius, E. (2024). Growing utopia – undoing risk through self-sufficiency and urban gardening?. Journal of Risk Research,
Kvarnlöf, L. , Montelius, E. & Danielsson, E. (2022). Privilegierad prepping när beredskap mest blir konsumtion. ETC,
Kvarnlöf, L. & Montelius, E. (2020). Militariseringen av Covid-19. Dagens Arena, vol. Mars: 31
Montelius, E. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2014). 'Doing' risk, 'doing' difference : towards an understanding of the intersections of risk, morality and taste. Health, Risk and Society, vol. 16: 5, pp. 431-443.
Chapters in books
Kvarnlöf, L. & Montelius, E. (2020). Den kvinnliga hemberedskapen : Genus och ansvar i krisberedskapskampanjer. In Genus, risk och kris. Lunda : Studentlitteratur AB.
Doctoral theses
Montelius, E. (2020). Att göra det materiella virtuellt : Subjektifiering, moral och motstånd i konstruktionen av den riskfyllda mathållningen. Dis. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet, 2020 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 330)