Ivan Miroshnikov



Articles in journals

Miroshnikov, I. & Somov, A. B. (2023). Two Men on a Dining Couch : Luke 17,34 as a Meal Scene. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. Louvain Journal of Theology and Canon Law, vol. 99: 1, pp. 113-129.  

Miroshnikov, I. (2023). «Проповедь Андрея» : предисловие, перевод с арабского и комментарий. Studia Religiosa Rossica, : 3, pp. 80-95.  

Miroshnikov, I. & Salmenkivi, E. (2022). A List of Names and Sums of Money in Sahidic Coptic (P.Ilves Copt. 12). Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete, vol. 68: 1, pp. 184-196.  

Miroshnikov, I. (2022). A New Witness to the Fayyūmic Version of First Corinthians (P.MorganLib. 265). Part I : Notes on Codicology, Language, Provenance and Date. New Testament Studies, vol. 68: 1, pp. 89-104.  

Miroshnikov, I. (2022). A New Witness to the Fayyūmic Version of First Corinthians (P.MorganLib. 265). Part II: Notes on its Text-Critical Value, with an Edition of the Coptic Text. New Testament Studies, vol. 68: 2, pp. 206-230.  

Miroshnikov, I. (2021). Коптские папирусы из собрания Музея истории Пермского университета. Orientalistica, vol. 4: 4, pp. 823-841.  

Miroshnikov, I. , Chepel, E. & Shavrin, Y. (2020). Папирусы из собрания Музея истории Пермского университета: предварительные результаты изучения. Египет и сопредельные страны / Egypt and Neighbouring Countries, : 1, pp. 32-44.  

Articles, book reviews

Miroshnikov, I. (2023). Matthias Müller and Sami Uljas, eds. Martyrs and Archangels: Coptic Literary Texts from the Pierpont Morgan Library. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum 116. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019. Pp. xvi + 481. Paper. $125.00. ISBN 9783161569944.. Review of Biblical Literature, vol. 03

Miroshnikov, I. (2022). [Review of] James P. Allen, Coptic. A Grammar of Its Six Major Dialects. Lingua Aegyptia, vol. 30, pp. 307-312.  

Miroshnikov, I. (2021). André Gagné. The Gospel According to Thomas: Translated, with Introduction and Commentary.. Journal of Coptic Studies, vol. 23, pp. 210-214.  

Miroshnikov, I. (2019). Writing and Communication in Early Egyptian Monasticism. Edited by Malcolm Choat and Maria Chiara Giorda. Journal of theological studies, vol. 71: 1, pp. 360-362.  


Miroshnikov, I. , Marjanen, A. & Iacono, F. (2024). The Coptic Versions of the Martyrdom of George : A Study of the Coptic Reception of the George Legend, with an Edition of Eight Fragmentary Manuscripts in Sahidic, Bohairic, and Fayyumic. Leuven : Peeters Publishers (Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 57).

Mazur, Z. Miroshnikov, I. (ed.) , Burns, D. (ed.) , Corrigan, K. (ed.) , Rasimus, T. (ed.) & Turner, J. (ed.) (2021). The Platonizing Sethian Background of Plotinus’s Mysticism. Leiden : Brill Academic Publishers (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 98).  

Chapters in books

Miroshnikov, I. (2023). Preface. In Parabiblica Coptica. Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck (Parabiblica). pp. v-vi.  

Miroshnikov, I. (2023). The Acts of Andrew and Philemon: A New Translation and Introduction. In New Testament Apocrypha : More Noncanonical Scriptures. Volume 3. Grand Rapids : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. pp. 196-230.

Miroshnikov, I. (2023). The Preaching of Philip : A New Edition of the Sahidic Fragments with an Introduction, Translation, and Notes. In Parabiblica Coptica. Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck (Parabiblica). pp. 53-100.  

Miroshnikov, I. (2023). The Preaching of Philip : A New Translation and Introduction. In New Testament Apocrypha : More Noncanonical Scriptures. Volume 3. Grand Rapids : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. pp. 479-505.

Miroshnikov, I. (2022). A New Fragment of the Acrostic Hymn in Praise of the Archangel Michael (P.MorganLib. 272). In Sortieren – Edieren – Kreieren: Zwischen Handschriftenfunden und Universitätsalltag. Stephen Emmel zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet. Düren : Shaker Verlag (Aegyptiaca Monasteriensia). pp. 399-417.

Miroshnikov, I. (2020). A New Look at Enoch and Elijah in the Apocalypse of Elijah. In Christian Discourse in Late Antiquity : Hermeneutical, Institutional and Textual Perspectives. Paderborn : Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh. pp. 197-223.  

Collections (editor)

Miroshnikov, I. (ed.) (2023). Parabiblica Coptica. Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck (Parabiblica 3).  

The page was updated 10/31/2022