Emelie Pilflod-Larsson



Articles in journals

Pilflod Larsson, E. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2024). Cultivating thirdspace : Community, conflict and place in Swedish allotment gardens. Landscape and Urban Planning, vol. 243  

Larsson, E. & Ingridsdotter, J. (2023). The Enchanted North : Nature, Place and Gender in ‘Off the Grid’ Social Media Representations. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, vol. 32: 2, pp. 45-67.  

Larsson, E. & Giritli Nygren, K. (2023). Urban gardening as a risk-reduction strategy : An intersectional analysis of top-down gardening initiatives. Journal of Risk Research,  

Larsson, E. (2020). Doing distance : expectant parents’ experiences of risk following a maternity ward closure. Rural Society, vol. 29: 1, pp. 16-29.    

Larsson, E. (2020). Nedläggningen av BB Sollefteå : Känslor, rumslighet och motstånd. Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap, vol. 41: 4, pp. 69-88.  

Larsson, E. (2018). (De)politicising pregnancy-related risk : gender and power in media reporting of a maternity ward closure. Health, Risk and Society, vol. 20: 5-6, pp. 227-240.    

Larsson, E. (). Birth of the gender-equal nuclear family : Normalization, power and ideology in Sweden. ,

Chapters in books

Larsson, E. , Larsson Hult, K. , Ridzén, L. & Sjöberg, I. (2023). Finding a unicorn in the woods : The magic of collaborative care and resistance. In Voices from gender studies : Negotiating the terms of academic production, epistemology, and the logics and contents of identity. Routledge.  

Ridzén, L. , Sjöberg, I. & Larsson, E. (2022). Akademisk aktivism genom en sommarkurs om Norrland : Decentralisering och dekolonisering av plats och kunskap. In Aktivism : En antologi om arbete för social och politisk förändring. Sundsvall : Forum för genusvetenskap (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 23-34.

Larsson Hult, K. , Larsson, E. , Ridzén, L. & Sjöberg, I. (2022). Rum för gemenskap. In Forum för genusvetenskap - en jubilar i vardande : Tillsammans och på eget håll. SUNDSVALL : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 25-27.

Larsson, E. (2021). Risky subjectivities : Peripheralization and appropriation of small-ward midwives' work practices in the closure of a rural area's maternity ward. In Working life and gender inequality : Intersectional perspectives and the spatial practices of peripheralization. Routledge. pp. 175-193.

Doctoral theses

Larsson, E. (2021). Risky distances : Peripheralisation and normalisation in the case of a maternity ward closure in Sweden. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University, 2021 (Mid Sweden University doctoral thesis : 351)  

The page was updated 11/1/2023