Lasse Reinikainen
- Professional title: Universitetsadjunkt
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428822
- Email:
- Room number: M310
- Location: Sundsvall
- Employed at the subject:
- Gender Science
- Sociology
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Articles in journals
Nyman, C. , Reinikainen, L. & Eriksson, K. (2018). The tension between gender equality and doing gender : Swedish couples’ talk about the division of housework. Women's Studies, vol. 68, pp. 36-46.
Reinikainen, L. , Nyman, C. & Stocks, J. (2013). Reflections on a Cross-National Qualitative Study of Within-Household Finances. Journal of Marriage and Family, vol. 75: 3, pp. 640-650.
Chapters in books
Reinikainen, L. & Zetterström Dahlqvist, H. (2016). Curating an exhibition in a university setting. : An autoethnographic study of an autoethnographic work. In Academic autoethnographies : Inside teaching in higher education. Rotterdam : Sense Publishers. pp. 69-84.
Reinikainen, L. & Gillander Gådin, K. (2015). Gender equality aspirations among Swedish people - a gender and class perspective. In Being young in a neoliberal time : Transnational perspectives on challenges and possibilities for resistance and social change. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 91-105.
Lif, U. & Reinikainen, L. (2021). Rapport : Lika villkor inom forskarutbildningen HUV HT20/VT21. Mittuniversitetet