Teresa Silva
- Professional title: Researcher
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428506
- Email: teresa.silva@miun.se
- Room number: M314a
- Location: Sundsvall
- Employed at the subject:
- Criminology
Research projects
Illegal drug trade in Sundsvall
Planning for the impact evaluation of a crime prevention strategy
Articles in journals
Chapters in books
Collections (editor)
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, monographs
Articles in journals
Silva, T. C. (2021). Assessment of Credibility of Testimony in Alleged Intimate Partner Violence : A Case Report. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice,
Silva, T. C. & Andersson, F. B. (2021). The “black box” of treatment : Patients’ perspective on what works in opioid maintenance treatment for opioid dependence. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, vol. 16: 41
Svensson, J. , Baer, N. & Silva, T. C. (2019). Adolescent’s level of knowledge of and supportive attitudes to sexual crime in the Swedish context. Journal of Sexual Aggression, vol. 25: 2, pp. 75-89.
Silva, T. (2018). Knowledge and skills needed for successful management of crime prevention strategies. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, vol. 19: 1, pp. 113-114.
Silva, T. C. & Stattin, H. (2016). The moderating role of parenting on the relationship between psychopathy and antisocial behavior in adolescence. Development and psychopathology (Print), vol. 28: 2, pp. 505-515.
Larm, P. , Silva, T. C. & Hodgins, S. (2015). Adolescent substance misusers with and without delinquency : Death, mental and physical disorders, and criminal convictions from age 21 to 45. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, vol. 59, pp. 1-9.
Silva, T. , Graña, J. L. & González-Cieza, L. (2014). Self-report physical and emotional abuse among youth offenders and their association with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. A preliminary study.. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, vol. 58: 5, pp. 590-606.
Martinez, M. , Losa-Iglesias, M. , Silva, T. , Fuentes, P. , Gomez-Arnau, J. , Martinez, F. , Martinez, R. & Altieri, P. (2012). Grado de conocimientos y actitudes de la enfermería de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (CAM) ante el dolor: Diplomados en enfermería y profesionales. Revista de la Sociedad Española del Dolor, vol. 19: 6, pp. 293-300.
Silva, T. , Larm, P. , Vitaro, F. , Tremblay, R. & Hodgins, S. (2012). The association between maltreatment in childhood and criminal convictions to age 24: A prospective study of a community simple of males from disadvantaged neighbourhoods. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 21: 7, pp. 403-413.
Silva, T. , Garrido, V. & López, M. J. (2012). The use of a screening device to assess psychopathy in young offenders. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, vol. 15: 2, pp. 724-735.
Vallejo, F. , Toro, C. , de la Fuente, L. , Brugal, M. T. , Soriano, V. , Silva, T. , Bravo, M. J. , Ballesta, R. & et al. (2008). Prevalence of and risk factors for hepatitis B virus infection among street-recruited young injection and non-injection heroin users in Barcelona, Madrid and Seville. European Addiction Research, vol. 14: 3, pp. 116-124.
González-Saiz, F. , Lozano, M. O. , Ballesta, R. , Silva, T. , Brugal, M. T. , Bilbao, I. , Barrio, G. , Domingo-Salvany, A. & et al. (2008). Validity of the Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) construct applying the Item Response Theory to a non-clinical sample of heroin users. Substance Use & Misuse, vol. 43: 7, pp. 919-935.
Barrio, G. , de la Fuente, L. , Toro, C. , Brugal, M. , Soriano, V. , González, F. , Bravo, M. , Vallejo, F. & et al. (2007). Prevalence of HIV infection among young adult injecting and non-injecting heroin users in Spain in the era of harm reduction programmes: Gender differences and other related factors. Epidemiology and Infection, vol. 135, pp. 592-603.
Silva, T. , Vallejo, F. , Fernandez, D. , Ruiz, S. , Ambrós, M. & Vallés, N. (2006). Conflicto social en jóvenes consumidores de heroína. Boletin Criminológico, : 3
Neira-Leon, M. , Barrio, G. , Brugal, M. T. , de la Fuente, L. , Ballesta, R. , Bravo, M. J. , Silva, T. & Rodriguez-Martos, A. (2006). Do young heroin users in Madrid, Barcelona y Seville have sufficient knowledge of the risk factors for unintentional opioid overdose?. Journal of urban health, vol. 83: 3, pp. 477-496.
de la Fuente, L. , Toro, C. , Soriano, V. , Brugal, M. T. , Vallejo, F. , Barrio, G. , Jimenez, V. & Silva, T. (2006). HTLV infection among young injection and non-injection heroin users in Spain: Prevalence and correlates. Journal of Clinical Virology, vol. 35: 3, pp. 244-249.
Rodriguez-Llera, M. , Domingo-Salvany, A. , Brugal, M. , Silva, T. , Sanchez-Nubió, A. & Torrens, M. (2006). Psychiatric comorbidity in young heroin users. Drug And Alcohol Dependence, vol. 84: 1, pp. 48-55.
de la Fuente, L. , Brugal, M. T. , Ballesta, R. , Bravo, M. J. , Barrio, G. , Domingo, A. , Silva, T. & Ambrós, M. (2005). Metodología del estudio de cohortes del proyecto ITINERE sobre consumidores de heroína en tres ciudades españolas y características básicas de los participantes. Revista Española de Salud Pública, vol. 79, pp. 475-491.
Bravo, M. J. , Barrio, G. , de la Fuente, L. , Royuela, L. , Domingo, L. & Silva, T. (2003). Reasons for selecting an initial route of heroin administration and for subsequent transitions during a severe HIV epidemic. Addiction, vol. 98: 6, pp. 749-760.
Garrido, V. , Lopez, E. , Silva, T. , López, M. & Molina, P. (2006). El modelo de la competencia social de la ley de menores. Valencia : Tirand lo Blanch
Chapters in books
Silva, T. C. & Grut, G. (2024). An epistemological framework for evidence-based crime prevention. In Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalisation : Evidence-Based Policy and Practice. Policy Press. pp. 50-77.
Silva, T. C. & Kordaczuk-Was, M. (2024). Introduction. In Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalisation : Evidence-Based Policy and Practice. Policy Press. pp. 1-17.
Silva, T. C. (2023). Introductory chapter : Parenting, a natural and culturally defined role. In Parenting in Modern Societies : Controversies and Lessons for the Future. London : INTECH.
Mindedal, A. , Pettersson, Å. , Grut, G. & Silva, T. (2022). Victimized Female Sex Worker Representation in the UK News Media. In Sexual Violence - Issues in Prevention, Treatment, and Policy. London : InTech.
Silva, T. C. (2021). Parental alienation : In the child’s worst interest. In Parenting : Challenges of child rearing in a changing society. Croatia : IntechOpen.
Silva, T. C. & Sandström, P. (2018). Parenting difficult children and adolescents. In Parenting : Empirical advances and intervention resources. Croatia : InTech. pp. 59-82.
de la Fuente, L. , Bravo, M. , Barrio, G. & Silva, T. (2003). La instructiva historia de la epidemia de VIH/SIDA en los inyectores de drogas españoles: lecciones para el futuro. In La utilización de la evidencia en las decisiones sanitarias. Alicante : Universidad de Alicante.
Collections (editor)
Silva, T. C. (ed.) (2024). Organized crime : a pedagogical experience in knowledge translation for evidence-based practitioners. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University
Silva, T. C. (ed.) & Kordaczuk-Was, M. (ed.) (2024). Preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalisation : Evidence-based policy and practice. Policy Press
Conference papers
Silva, T. C. & Löfgren, H. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on police officers' mental health : Preliminary results of a Portuguese sample. In European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin : Special Conference Edition Nr. 5.
Silva, T. C. (2018). A crime prevention approach to an open-air drug market: Preliminary results of the ‘Navet’ project. Paper presented at the 60th Research Seminar of the Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology (NSfK), Helsinki, Finland, 14-16th May 2018.
Doctoral theses
Silva, T. (2009). La medición de la psicopatía en el contexto del sistema de justicia juvenil en España. Dis. Valencia : Universidad de Valencia, 2009
Silva, T. C. & Larysa, B. (2024). Hur Brottsligheten påverkar små och medelstora företag i Sverige. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet
Silva, T. C. & Lind, M. (2020). Experiences of the Member States performing evaluations in projects and activties aimed at crime prevention. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (MIUN Studies in Criminology: Research Series 1).