Stig Vinberg
- Professional title: Professor
- Academic title: PhD (Engineering)
- Telephone: +46 (0)10-1428530
- Email:
- Room number: K448
- Location: Östersund
- Employed at the subject:
- Rehabilitation Science
- Department:
- Department of Health Sciences (HOV)
I have during the last 30 years been working with occupational health and workplace development issues as a researcher, project leader and consultant. I defended my doctoral thesis 'Health and Performance: Studies of Organizational Determinants and Change Strategy' at Luleå University of Technology in 2006. I have also been working with workplace health issues at Swedish Institute of Public Health, National Institute of Working Life, Swedish Working Life Fund and in Occupational Health Services.
Area of interest
Main research interests are leadership, workplace health promotion and small business development with emphasis on organizational factors. As a project leader for several research- and development projects focus has been on interactive research and learning issues for practitioners.
I am involved in research projects concerning leadershio, workplace health change processes in private and public organizations, working conditions in small enterprises and rehabilitation from an organizational perspective.
Teaching and tutoring
Courses in the Masterprogram - Working environment strategist - and in the Bachelor program - Health and rehabilitation in working life. I am supervisor for thesis at Master and Bachelor level and co-supervisor for PhD students.
Other information
Read more about my research at Research Gate:
Research projects
Attractive and Healthy Municipal Workplaces
Small businesses and Covid-19 - leaders' lessons for future crises
Articles in journals
Articles, reviews/surveys
Chapters in books
Collections (editor)
Conference papers
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
Licentiate theses, comprehensive summaries
Articles in journals
Hansson, J. , MacEachen, E. , Landstad, B. , Vinberg, S. & Tjulin, Å. (2024). A comparative study of governmental financial support and resilience of self-employed people in Sweden and Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 83: 1
Militao, E. M. A. , Uthman, O. , Salvador, E. , Vinberg, S. & Macassa, G. (2024). Association between food insecurity, socioeconomic status of the household head and hypertension and diabetes in Maputo City. Annals of Global Health, vol. 90: 1
Militao, E. M. A. , Uthman, O. A. , Salvador, E. M. , Vinberg, S. & Macassa, G. (2024). Association between socioeconomic position of the household head, food insecurity and psychological health : an application of propensity score matching. BMC Public Health, vol. 24: 1
Lööw, J. , Vinberg, S. , Johansson, J. , Jakobsson, M. , Mattson Molnar, M. & Larsson, J. (2024). Exploring Differences in Leadership Behaviors and in the Perceived Work Environment Between Younger and Older Managers in a Swedish Mining Company. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, vol. 41: 6, pp. 2835-2848.
Nordenmark, M. & Vinberg, S. (2024). Working from home, work/life conflict and mental wellbeing in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Work, vol. 78: 2, pp. 295-304.
Lööw, J. , Jakobsson, M. , Larsson, J. , Mattson Molnar, M. & Vinberg, S. (2023). A Changing Work Environment for Managers in a Swedish Mining Company : Observations in the Wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic. E-Journal of International and Comparative LABOUR STUDIES, vol. 12: 3, pp. 108-131.
Vinberg, S. , Lööw, J. , Jakobsson, M. , Molnar, M. M. & Larsson, J. (2023). Do leadership behaviours, work environments and the health of managers in Sweden and outside Sweden differ?—a study of a large international mining company. Mineral Economics, vol. 36: 4, pp. 655-666.
Mattson Molnar, M. , Johansson, J. , Vinberg, S. , Larsson, J. & Lööw, J. (2023). Facilitating and straining factors affecting the health and sustainability of young managers in a modern mining industry : Self-fulfilment and development - a buffer for young managers?. Arbetsliv i omvandling, : 2, pp. 3-53.
Militao, E. M. A. , Uthman, O. A. , Salvador, E. M. , Vinberg, S. & Macassa, G. (2023). Food Insecurity and Associated Factors among Households in Maputo City. Nutrients, vol. 15: 10
Nordenmark, M. , Landstad, B. , Tjulin, Å. & Vinberg, S. (2023). Life Satisfaction among Self-Employed People in Different Welfare Regimes during the COVID-19 Pandemic : Significance of Household Finances and Concerns about Work. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 20: 6
Landstad, B. J. , Hedlund, M. , Tjulin, Å. , Nordenmark, M. & Vinberg, S. (2023). Making things work–In spite of a pandemic small scale enterprise managers’ approach to business changes and health issues. PLOS ONE, vol. 18: 7
Macassa, G. , McGrath, C. , Roy, M. J. , Stål, F. , Hiswåls, A. S. , Rashid, M. , Karlsson, U. , Olsson, R. & et al. (2023). Perceptions of Health and Wellbeing Among Employees in a Work Integration Social Enterprise in Sweden. Annals of Global Health, vol. 89: 1, pp. 1-14.
Larsson, J. , Vinberg, S. & Jahncke, H. (2022). Changing the Office Design to Activity-Based Flexible Offices : A Longitudinal Study of How Managers’ Leadership Behaviours Are Perceived. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19: 20
Militao, E. M. A. , Salvador, E. M. , Silva, J. P. , Uthman, O. A. , Vinberg, S. & Macassa, G. (2022). Coping Strategies for Household Food Insecurity, and Perceived Health in an Urban Community in Southern Mozambique : A Qualitative Study. Sustainability, vol. 14: 14
Landstad, B. J. , Vinberg, S. , Rahme, A. , Vigren, G. & Hagqvist, E. (2022). Management by values : A qualitative study of how small business owners in the cleaning sector view and implement their employer responsibilities with respect to occupational safety and health management. Safety Science, vol. 148
Hansson, J. , Landstad, B. , Vinberg, S. , Hedlund, M. & Tjulin, Å. (2022). Small business managers and Covid-19—The role of a sense of coherence and general resistance resources in coping with stressors. PLOS ONE, vol. 17: 3
Hansson, J. , Nordenmark, M. , Tjulin, Å. , Landstad, B. & Vinberg, S. (2022). Socio-Ecological Factors and Well-Being among Self-Employed in Europe during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19, pp. 1-13.
Tjulin, Å. , Vinberg, S. , Landstad, B. J. , Marianne, H. & Nordenmark, M. (2022). The disappointment of financial support measures during the COVID-19 pandemic among small business managers’ in Sweden. SN Business & Economics, : 2
Hagqvist, E. , Vinberg, S. , Toivanen, S. & Landstad, B. (2021). A balancing act: Swedish occupational safety and health inspectors’ reflections on their bureaucratic role when supervising micro-enterprises. Small Business Economics, vol. 57: 2, pp. 821-834.
Vinberg, S. & Danielsson, P. (2021). Managers of micro-sized enterprises and Covid-19 : impact on business operations, work-life balance and well-being. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 80: 1
Vinberg, S. , Landstad, B. , Tjulin, Å. & Nordenmark, M. (2021). Sickness Presenteeism Among the Swedish Self-Employed During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12, pp. 1-10.
Tjulin, Å. , MacEachen, E. , Vinberg, S. , Selander, J. , Bigelow, P. L. & Larsson, R. (2021). Virtual Internationalization – we did it our way. Högre Utbildning, vol. 11: 2, pp. 1-13.
Björk, A. , Rönngren, Y. , Vinberg, S. , Hellzén, O. , Wall, E. & Olofsson, N. (2020). A nurse-led lifestyle intervention for adult persons with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Sweden. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 74: 8, pp. 602-612.
Hagqvist, E. , Vinberg, S. , Toivanen, S. , Hagström, M. , Granqvist, S. & Landstad, B. J. (2020). Falling outside the system : Occupational safety and health inspectors’ experiences of micro-enterprises in Sweden. Safety Science, vol. 125, pp. 1-9.
Vinberg, S. , Selander, J. & Tjulin, Å. (2020). Jämlikhet och hälsa med fokus på arbetslivet : Erfarenheter från en internationell hälsovetenskaplig kurs. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, vol. 97: 2, pp. 314-323.
Vinberg, S. (2020). Occupational safety and health challenges in small-scale enterprises. Industrial Health, vol. 58, pp. 303-305.
Hagqvist, E. , Vinberg, S. , Tritter, J. Q. , Wall, E. & Landstad, B. (2020). The Same, Only Different : Doing Management in the Intersection between Work and Private Life for Men and Women in Small-scale Enterprises. Work, Employment and Society, vol. 34: 2, pp. 262-280.
Ruhle, S A, S. A. , Breitsohl, H. , Aboagye, E. , Baba, V. , Biron, C. , Correia Leal, C. , Dietz, C. , Ferreira, A. I. & et al. (2020). “To work, or not to work, that is the question” : Recent trends and avenues for research on presenteeism. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, vol. 29: 3, pp. 344-363.
Nordenmark, M. , Almén, N. & Vinberg, S. (2020). Work/Family Conflict of More Importance than Psychosocial Working Conditions and Family Conditions for Mental Wellbeing. Societies, vol. 10: 67, pp. 1-15.
Toivanen, S. , Härter Griep, R. , Mellner, C. , Nordenmark, M. , Vinberg, S. & Eloranta, S. (2019). Hospitalization due to stroke and myocardial infarction in self-employed individuals and small business owners compared with paid employees in Sweden—a 5-year study. Small Business Economics, vol. 53: 2, pp. 343-354.
Tjulin, Å. , Landstad, B. , Vinberg, S. , Eriksson, A. & Hagqvist, E. (2019). Managers’ learning process during a health-promoting leadership intervention. Health Education, vol. 119: 5/6, pp. 350-365.
Nordenmark, M. , Hagqvist, E. & Vinberg, S. (2019). Sickness Presenteeism among the Self-employed and Employed in Northwestern Europe—The Importance of Time Demands. SH@W Safety and Health at Work, vol. 10: 2, pp. 224-228.
Hagqvist, E. , Toivanen, S. & Vinberg, S. (2019). The gender time gap : Time use among self-employed women and men compared to paid employees in Sweden. Time & Society, vol. 28: 2, pp. 680-696.
Björk, A. , Rönngren, Y. , Selander, J. , Vinberg, S. , Hellzén, O. & Olofsson, N. (2018). Health, lifestyle habits, and physical fitness among adults with ADHD compared with a random sample of a Swedish general population. Society, health and vulnerability, vol. 9: 1
Hagqvist, E. , Vinberg, S. , Landstad, B. & Nordenmark, M. (2018). Is the gap between experienced working conditions and the perceived importance of these conditions related to subjective health?. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, vol. 11: 1, pp. 2-15.
Malmusi, D. , Muntaner, C. & Borell, C. (2018). Social and Economic Policies Matter for Health Equity : Conclusions of the SOPHIE Project. International Journal of Health Services, vol. 48: 3, pp. 417-434.
Vinberg, S. , Hansen, E. , Hedlund, M. & Landstad, B. (2017). Ambiguity among Managers in Small-Scale Enterprises : How to Handle Business and Workplace Health Management. Societies, vol. 7: 4, pp. 1-17.
Vinberg, S. , Torsdatter Markussen, L. & Landstad, B. (2017). Cooperation Between Occupational Health Services and Small-Scale Enterprises in Norway and Sweden: A Provider Perspective. Workplace Health & Safety, vol. 65: 8, pp. 355-364.
Julià, M. , Ollé-Espluga, L. , Vanroelen, C. , De Moortel, D. , Mousaid, S. , Vinberg, S. , Puig-Barrachina, V. , Sánchez, E. & et al. (2017). Employment and Labor Market Results of the SOPHIE Project : Concepts, Analyses, and Policies. International Journal of Health Services, vol. 47: 1, pp. 18-39.
Landstad, B. , Hedlund, M. & Vinberg, S. (2017). How managers of small-scale enterprises can create a health promoting corporate culture. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, vol. 10: 3, pp. 228-248.
Sjöstedt Landén, A. , Vinberg, S. & Landstad, B. (2017). Inclusive and sustainable work (and) life : possibilities and critical analyses. Society, health and vulnerability, vol. 8: Sup 1, pp. 1-2.
Warne, M. , Wall, E. & Vinberg, S. (2017). Managers’ and employees’ views of critical aspects for alcohol abuse prevention at small and medium enterprises : the case of ski resorts in NorthernSweden. Society, health and vulnerability, vol. 8: sup1, pp. 67-79.
Björk, A. , Rönngren, Y. , Selander, J. , Vinberg, S. & Hellzen, O. (2017). Perspectives on Everyday Suffering among People with Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Concurrent Mental Disorders. Open Journal of Nursing, vol. 7, pp. 583-598.
Warne, M. , Siandinovic, K. , Berman, A. H. , Källmén, H. & Vinberg, S. (2017). Risky consumption of alcohol and drugs among employees at ski resorts. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, vol. 34: 3, pp. 201-216.
Hedlund, M. , Landstad, B. & Vinberg, S. (2017). Tightrope walking : external impact factors on workplace health management in small-scale enterprises. Society, health and vulnerability, vol. 8: Sup 1, pp. 53-66.
Hansen, E. , Landstad, B. , Gundersen, K. T. & Vinberg, S. (2016). Leader-Based Workplace Health Interventions — A Before–After Study in Norwegian and Swedish Small-Scale Enterprises. International Journal of Disability Mangement Research, vol. 11: e5, pp. 1-14.
Toivanen, S. , Härter Griep, R. , Mellner, C. , Vinberg, S. & Eloranta, S. (2016). Mortality differences between self-employed and paid employees : a 5-year follow-up study of the working population in Sweden. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, vol. 73: 9, pp. 627-636.
Hansen, E. , Vinberg, S. , Gundersen, K. T. & Landstad, B. (2016). Resistance Training in People at Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes and Their Experience of Health-Related Quality of Life. Health, vol. 8, pp. 1323-1334.
Johansson Sevä, I. , Vinberg, S. , Nordenmark, M. & Strandh, M. (2016). Subjective well-being among the self-employed in Europe - macroeconomy, gender and immigrant status. Small Business Economics, vol. 46: 2, pp. 239-253.
Hansen, E. , Björklund, G. & Vinberg, S. (2016). Workplace Health Interventions and Physical Fitness Status among Managers of Small-Scale Enterprises in Norway and Sweden. Health, vol. 8, pp. 1697-1712.
Svensson, S. , Vinberg, S. & Larsson, J. (2015). External workers' perception of leadership behaviour - a study of Swedish temporary agency workers and contractors. Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 25: 2, pp. 250-266.
Vinberg, S. , Romild, U. & Landstad, B. (2015). Prevention and rehabilitation in Swedish public sector workplaces: Effects on co-workers’ and leaders’ health and psychosocial working conditions. Work, vol. 52: 4, pp. 891-900.
Toivanen, S. , Mellner, C. & Vinberg, S. (2015). Self-Employed Persons in Sweden - Mortality Differentials by Industrial Sector and Enterprise Legal Form : A Five-Year Follow-Up Study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, vol. 58: 1, pp. 21-32.
Hagqvist, E. , Toivanen, S. & Vinberg, S. (2015). Time strain among employed and self employed women and men in Sweden. Society, Health & Vulnerability, vol. 6, pp. 1-16.
Vinberg, S. (2014). Workplace-based prevention and rehabilitation programs in Swedish public human service organisations. International Journal of Disability Mangement Research, vol. 9, pp. 1-1.
Vinberg, S. & Landstad, B. (2014). Workplace-Based Prevention and Rehabilitation Programs in Swedish Public Human Service Organisations. International Journal of Disability Mangement Research, vol. 9
Landstad, B. & Vinberg, S. (2013). Female leaders' experiences of psychosocial working conditions and its health consequences in Swedish public human service organizations. Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion, vol. 4
Vinberg, S. & Landstad, B. (2013). Kvinnliga ledares arbetsvillkor i en glesbygdskommun – oglamorösa och hindrande för hälsofrämjande insatser?. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, vol. 90: 6, pp. 838-847.
Källmén, H. , Leifman, H. , Hermansson, U. & Vinberg, S. (2013). The Prevalence of Alcohol Prevention Efforts in Swedish Workplaces. International Journal of Disability Mangement Research, vol. 8: 3, pp. 1-7.
Vinberg, S. , Gundersen, K. T. , Nordenmark, M. , Larsson, J. & Landstad, B. (2012). Entrepreneurs’ health – the importance of psychosocial working conditions and individual factors. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, vol. 4: 4, pp. 374-390.
Nordenmark, M. , Vinberg, S. & Strandh, M. (2012). Job control and demands, work-life balance and wellbeing among self-employed men and women in Europe.. Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion, vol. 3
Vinberg, S. (2012). Modern working life and inclusion. Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion, vol. 3
Vinberg, S. & Toivanen, S. (2011). Arbetslivet - en bortglömd arena för jämlika hälso- och arbetsvillkor?. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, vol. 88: 4, pp. 328-337.
Larsson, J. , Landstad, B. , Wiklund, H. & Vinberg, S. (2011). Control charts as an early warning system for workplace health outcomes. Work, vol. 39: 4, pp. 409-425.
Larsson, J. & Vinberg, S. (2010). Leadership behaviour in successful organisations: Universal or situation-dependent? : Universal or situational-dependent?. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, vol. 21: 3, pp. 317-334.
Landstad, B. J. , Olsson, I. , Millet, P. & Vinberg, S. (2010). Personal Perspectives on Vocational Rehabilitation in Singapore and Sweden. The Asia Pacific Disability & Rehabilitation Journal, vol. 21: 1, pp. 3-25.
Larsson, J. & Vinberg, S. (2009). Så skapas attraktiva och hälsofrämjande arbetsplatser. Dagens Juridik,
Larsson, J. , Landstad, B. & Vinberg, S. (2009). To Control with Health - From Statistics to Strategy. Work, vol. 32: 1, pp. 49-57.
Vinberg, S. (2008). Hälsa och arbetsvillkor - hinder för kvinnliga ledare i mikroföretag?. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, vol. 85: 3, pp. 251-259.
Olsson, I. , Millet, P. , Vinberg, S. , Olsson, G. , Bergroth, A. & Landstad, B. (2008). Social welfare in Singapore and Sweden : Differences in organisational systems of health care, social security and rehabilitation.. International Journal of Disability Mangement Research, vol. 2: 3, pp. 30-38.
Vinberg, S. (2008). Workplace health interventions in small enterprises: a Swedish longitudinal study. Work, vol. 30: 4, pp. 473-482.
Larsson, J. , Vinberg, S. & Wiklund, H. (2007). Leadership, quality and health: using McGregor's X and Y theory for analyzing values in relation to methodologies and outcomes. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, vol. 18: 9-10, pp. 1147-1168.
Bildt, C. , Vinberg, S. & Fjell, Y. (2005). Arbetsmiljöutveckling inom offentlig sektor - Friskare arbetsplatser i Jämtlands län. Arbetsliv i omvandling, : 9
Vinberg, S. & Gelin, G. (2005). Organizational and health performance in small enterprises in Norway and Sweden. Work, vol. 24: 3, pp. 305-316.
Vinberg, S. (2004). Change processes and health outcomes in microenterprises and small public workplaces in rural areas. Finnish journal of rural research and plicy, vol. 12: 4, pp. 151-162.
Sandberg, K. W. , Ivergård, T. K. B. & Vinberg, S. (2004). E-service to citizens and companies in rural areas. The International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, vol. 12: 2, pp. 1-10.
Landstad, B. , Gelin, G. , Malmquist, C. & Vinberg, S. (2002). A statistical human resources costing and accounting model for analysing the economic effects of an intervention at a workplace. Ergonomics, vol. 45: 11, pp. 764-787.
Landstad, B. J. , Vinberg, S. , Ivergård, T. , Gelin, G. & Ekholm, J. (2001). Change in pattern of absenteeism as a result of workplace intervention for personnel support. Ergonomics, vol. 44: 1, pp. 63-81.
Sandberg, K. W. & Vinberg, S. (2000). Information technology and learning strategies in small enterprises. Behavior and Information Technology, vol. 19: 3, pp. 221-227.
Vinberg, S. , Gelin, G. & Sandberg, K. W. (2000). Information technology levels, competence development and performance in Swedish small business enterprises. Behavior and Information Technology, vol. 19: 3, pp. 201-210.
Vinberg, S. (1997). Arbetsmiljö- och rehabiliteringsarbete med arbetsplatsen som utgångspunkt : En utvärderingsstudie av AMoRE-projektet i Jämtlands län. Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, vol. 74: 8-9, pp. 400-405.
Articles, reviews/surveys
Militao, E. M. A. , Salvador, E. M. , Uthman, O. A. , Vinberg, S. & Macassa, G. (2022). Food Insecurity and Health Outcomes Other Than Malnutrition in Southern Africa : A Descriptive Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19: 9
Malmquist, C. , Vinberg, S. & Larsson, J. (2007). Att styra med hälsa - Från statistik till strategi. Degerfors : Metodicum
Vinberg, S. , Sandberg, K. W. , Hydén, K. & Schönbäck, C. (2006). Förbättringsprocesser : vägar till arbetsglädje, hälsa och effektivitet. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet
Chapters in books
Bolin, M. , Klockmo, C. , Nordenmark, M. , Rashid, S. , Vinberg, S. & Zakrisson, I. (2024). Hållbar arbetsmarknad för ett hälsofrämjande arbetsliv. In Globala utmaningar – lokala lösningar : Forskning för en hållbar samhällsutveckling i norra Sverige. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet. pp. 101-103.
Vinberg, S. , Nordenmark, M. & Landstad, B. J. (2023). Arbetsgivarens ansvar för arbetsmiljö- och rehabiliteringsarbete. In Rehabiliteringsvetenskap : Perspektiv, aktörer och strategier för hälsa i arbetslivet. Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 227-247.
Lohela Karlsson, M. & Vinberg, S. (2023). Arbetsmiljö-, hälso- och rehabiliteringsekonomi. In Rehabiliteringsvetenskap : Perspektiv, aktörer och strategier för hälsa i arbetslivet. Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 319-342.
Landstad, B. & Vinberg, S. (2023). Rehabilitering, arbetsmiljö och arbetshälsa - en introduktion. In Rehabiliteringsvetenskap : Perspektiv, aktörer och strategier för hälsa i arbetslivet. Studentlitteratur AB. pp. 23-34.
Toivanen, S. , Hagqvist, E. , Landstad, B. , Nordenmark, M. , Östergren, P. & Vinberg, S. (2019). Mikroföretagares arbetsmiljö och hälsa med fokus på genus och etnicitet - innovationer för tillsyn. In Arbetsmiljö och ohälsa i ett genusperspektiv : Uppdragsforskning med relevans för tillsynsverksamheten. Stockholm : Arbetsmiljöverket (Rapport 2019:7: Arbetsmiljö och ohälsa i ett genusperspektiv. Arbetsmiljöverket). pp. 43-55.
Toivanen, S. & Vinberg, S. (2018). Arbete och ojämlikhet i hälsa i vuxenlivet. In Den orättvisa hälsan : Om socioekonomiska skillnader i hälsa och livslängd. Stockholm : Liber. pp. 335-360.
Julià, M. , Vanroelen, C. , Tarafa, G. , Ollé, L. , Sánchez, E. , Artazcoz, L. , Vinberg, S. & Benach, J. (2015). High quality employment in a regulated labour market is beneficial to workers´health and reduces inequality. In Social and economic policies matter for health equity : Conclusions of the SOPHIE project. Barcelona : Addenda. pp. 23-32.
Vinberg, S. & Warne, M. (2015). Långt hemifrån men nära till alkohol : En studie av arbetets och kontextens betydelse för riskkonsumtion hos kvinnor och män i säsongsanställning. In Sprickor, öppningar & krackeleringar : Nya perspektiv på arbetsmiljö. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 157-177.
Toivanen, S. & Vinberg, S. (2012). Arbetet och ojämlikhet i hälsa i vuxenlivet. In Den orättvisa hälsan : om socioekonomiska skillnader i hälsa och livslängd. Stockholm : Liber. pp. 318-345.
Vinberg, S. (2008). Ledarskap för ett hälsosamt arbetsliv : Reflektioner utifrån tre jämtländska projekt. In Arbete, hälsa och kön. Sundvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 90-101.
Vinberg, S. (2008). Mikroföretagande - kön, arbetsvillkor och hälsa. In Arbete, hälsa och kön. Sundsvall : Mittuniversitetet (Genusstudier vid Mittuniversitetet). pp. 37-49.
Vinberg, S. (2006). Fem goda råd om arbetsplatsutveckling. In Atlantroddarens friskvårdsbok. Stockholm : Sellin & Partner Bokförlag. pp. 56-.
Vinberg, S. (2004). David möter Goliat : kontraster mellan mikroföretag och offentliga arbetsplatser avseende förändringsaspekter och sjukfrånvaro. In Företagande och gemenskap : små företags kultur, samverkan och konkurrens. Arbetslivsinstitutet (Arbetsliv i omvandling). pp. 65-82.
Vinberg, S. , Sundin, L. & Nilsson, A. (2004). Förändringsarbete med inriktning på arbetsmiljö, hälsa och effektivitet i små företag. In Den hälsosamma arbetsplatsen : från analys till åtgärd. Karlstad : Stress Management Center. pp. 165-178.
Collections (editor)
Landstad, B. J. (ed.) & Vinberg, S. (ed.) (2023). Rehabiliteringsvetenskap : Perspektiv, aktörer och strategier för hälsa i arbetslivet. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB
Conference papers
Löfstrand, P. , Vinberg, S. & Wall, E. (2025). Impact of Hybrid and Activity-Based Work Environments on Employee Engagement and Advocacy in Public Sector Workplaces: A Longitudinal Study. Paper presented at the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Small Group Meeting, Berlin
Löfstrand, P. , Wall, E. , Selander, J. , Nordenmark, M. & Vinberg, S. (2024). Examining Sustainable Employee Engagement and Recommendation Propensity : Insights from Two Municipalities in Northern Sweden. Paper presented at the FALF 2024: Sustainable HRM and Working-Life Practices, Göteborg, 17–19 juni, 2024
Nordenmark, M. , Hansson, J. , Selander, J. , Vinberg, S. , Wall, E. & Löfstrand, P. (2024). Harmonizing the Dynamics of Employeeship, Motivation, Leadership, Management, and Ambassadorship : Insights from a Study in Swedish Public Workplaces. Paper presented at the 16th ESA CONFERENCE, Porto, Portugal, August 27-30, 2024
Terp, U. , Wall, E. , Vinberg, S. , Qvarngård, L. , Hällkvist, M. & Löfstrand, P. (2024). Ledarskapsutmaningar vid övergången till aktivitetsbaserat arbetssätt. Paper presented at the FALF 2024: Göteborg, 17-19 juni 2024
Vinberg, S. , Tjulin, Å. , Nordenmark, M. , Hedlund, M. & Landstad, B. (2024). Making things work–In spite of a pandemic : Small scale enterprise managers’ approach to business changes and health issues. In Abstract book.. pp. 404--404.
Wall, E. , Selander, J. , Vinberg, S. , Nordenmark, M. & Löfstrand, P. (2024). Meningsskapande vid övergången till ett aktivitetsbaserat arbetssätt. Paper presented at the FALF 2024, Göteborg, 17-19 juni, 2024
Löfstrand, P. , Wall, E. , Selander, J. , Nordenmark, M. , Hansson, J. & Vinberg, S. (2024). Transition to Activity Based Workplaces (ABWs) in the Post Covid-19 Era. Paper presented at the 16th ESA CONFERENCE, Porto, Portugal, August 27-30, 2024
Lööw, J. , Jakobsson, M. , Larsson, J. , Molnar Mattson, M. & Vinberg, S. (2023). A CHANGING WORK ENVIRONMENT IN THE WAKE OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC? – OBSERVATIONS FROM MANAGERS IN A SWEDISH MINING COMPANY. In Occupational Safety and Hygiene – SHO2023 Proceedings Book.. pp. 376--389.
Hansson, J. , MacEachen, E. , Landstad, B. J. , Vinberg, S. & Tjulin, Å. (2023). A Comparative Study of Financial Support and Resilience of Self-Employed people in Sweden and Canada. In European Journal of Public Health, Volume 33, Issue Supplement_2, October 2023 : 16th European Public Health Conference 2023 Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth: A Sustainable Future for Humanity Dublin, Ireland 8–11 November, 2023.
Hansson, J. , Nordenmark, M. , Tjulin, Å. , Landstad, B. & Vinberg, S. (2023). Socio-Ecological Factors and Well-Being among Self-Employed in Europe during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In 10th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference June 14-16 2023, Halmstad June 14–16, 2023 : Sustainability and the impact on health and well-being. Halmstad :
Nordenmark, M. & Vinberg, S. (2023). Working from home, work/life conflict and mental wellbeing in Europe during the pandemic. In FALF 2023 - Arbetets gränser.. pp. 27--28.
Vinberg, S. , Landstad, B. , Tjulin, Å. , Nordenmark, M. & Hansson, J. (2022). Ledares arbetsvillkor och arbetsmiljöarbete i småföretag under pandemin : lärdomar för framtiden. In Framtidens arbete – arbetets framtid : Book of abstracts. Luleå : . pp. 76--77.
Larsson, J. , Rapp, L. , Roxenfalk-Jatko, K. , Molnar, M. , Johansson, J. , Jakobsson, M. & Vinberg, S. (2022). Organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö för chefer inom gruvbranschen. In Framtidens arbete - arbetets framtid : Book of abstracts. Luleå : . pp. 17--18.
Hansson, J. , Landstad, B. , Vinberg, S. , Hedlund, M. & Tjulin, Å. (2022). Small business managers and Covid-19 – the role of a sense of coherence in coping with stressors. In Framtidens arbete – arbetets framtid. Kiruna :
Vinberg, S. , Tjulin, Å. , Nordenmark, M. , Hansson, J. & Landstad, B. (2021). Små företag och COVID-19 – ledares upplevelser av arbetsvillkor, balans arbete-fritid och hälsa. In Konferensbok FALF 14–16 juni 2021. Västerås : . pp. 133--134.
Vinberg, S. (2020). Småföretag och arbetsmiljö. Paper presented at the FoU-dagen 2020: Framtidens arbetsmiljö är redan här - skapa ett hållbart arbetsliv med SAM. Konferens hos AFA Försäkring, DIGITAL, Oktober 21, 2020.
Tjulin, Å. , MacEachen, E. , Larsson, R. , Bigelow, P. , Vinberg, S. , Selander, J. & White, D. (2019). An International Online Work Disability Policy Course : How a University Partnership Became a Facilitator. Paper presented at the The Work Disability Prevention and Integration (WDPI) 2019, Odense, Denmark, June 4-7, 2019
Vinberg, S. (2019). Sickness presence among Swedish female and male managers. In Working for the greater good.. pp. 643--644.
Vinberg, S. , Nordenmark, M. , Hagqvist, E. & Toivanen, S. (2019). Sickness presenteeism among self-employed in Europe. Paper presented at the FALF KONFERENS 2019 Hållbar utveckling i organisationer, Norrköping, 10-12 juni, 2019
Warne, M. , Wall, E. , Carlerby, H. & Vinberg, S. (2018). Alcohol- and drug prevention among seasonal employees at a Swedish ski resort. In 10th IUHPE European Conference and International Forum for Health Promotion Research : Implementing Health Promotion in the Life Course - User Involvement in Practice and Research.
Vinberg, S. & Tjulin, Å. (2018). Arbetsplatsen som arena för hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete. Paper presented at the Jubileum för Rehabiliteringsvetenskap, 4 oktober, 2018, Östersund
Landstad, B. , Hedlund, M. & Vinberg, S. (2018). How managers of small-scale enterprises can create a health promoting corporate culture. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Norwegian Health Sociology Conference, April 19-20, 2018, Trondheim, Norway
Tjulin, Å. , Hagqvist, E. , Vinberg, S. , Eriksson, A. & Landstad, B. (2018). Prerequisites and hindrance in a health-promoting leadership educational intervention : - learning experinces from first line public sector managers. In Implementing health promotion in the life course : - user involvement in practice and research.
Vinberg, S. , Hagqvist, E. , Toivanen, S. & Nordenmark, M. (2018). Sickness Presence Among Self-Employed In Western Europe – The Importance Of Psychosocial Working Conditions. Paper presented at the EAWOP Small Group Meeting,"To work, or not to work (when sick), that is the question", Klagenfurt, Austria, July 27-28, 2018
Hagqvist, E. , Vinberg, S. & Landstad, B. (2018). The leader identity - a means to experience conflict and constructing balance. In Gender, Work and Organisation International Interdisciplinary Conference ABSTRACTS BOOKLET, 13-16 JUNE 2018.. pp. 120--120.
Hedlund, M. , Landstad, B. & Vinberg, S. (2018). Tightrope walking - external impact factors on workplace health management in small-scale enterprises. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Norwegian Health Sociology Conference, April 19-20, 2018, Trondheim, Norway
Warne, M. & Vinberg, S. (2017). Elefanten i rummet – ett interventionsprojekt med utmaningar. Paper presented at the NORDISKE FOLKESUNDHEDSKONFERENCE, AALBORG, 22-25 augusti 2017
Vinberg, S. & Landstad, B. (2017). Sustainable small-scale enterprises – a case study in Norway and Sweden. Paper presented at the 7th International Community, Work and Family Conference, 25-27 May 2017, Milano
Landstad, B. & Vinberg, S. (2016). BHT i små bedrifter - en fremtidig utfordring. Paper presented at the BHT 2016 Landskonferansen - Framtidens bedriftshelsetjeneste kunnskapsbasert, robust og innovativ, Lillestrøm, 26-28 september, 2016
Toivanen, S. , Harter Griep, R. , Mellner, C. , Nordenmark, M. , Vinberg, S. & Eloranta, S. (2016). Hospitalization due to stroke or myocardial infarction – are there any differences between self-employed individuals and employees?. Paper presented at the Health of small business owners & entrepreneurs - 1st international workshop, Montpellier, France, September 29 and 30, 2016
Landstad, B. , Hedlund, M. & Vinberg, S. (2016). Leader´s view of health promotion workplaces in small-scale enterprises. In Decent Work: 4th Conference Disability Management. Olten, Schweiz : . pp. 25-
Landstad, B. , Hedlund, M. & Vinberg, S. (2016). Ledares perspektiv på hälsofrämjande arbete i små företag (Leaders' perspective on workplace health promotion in small enterprises). Paper presented at the FALF 2016 - Inkluderande och hållbart arbetsliv
Hansen, E. , Landstad, B. & Vinberg, S. (2016). Ledarfokuserade hälsofrämjande insatser i små företag: resultat och erfarenheter (Leader-based workplace health interventions in small enterprises: results and experiences). In Inkluderande och hållbart arbetsliv - Book of abstracts - FALF 2016. Östersund : . pp. 43--44.
Toivanen, S. , Harter Griep, R. , Mellner, C. , Nordenmark, M. , Vinberg, S. & Eloranta, S. (2016). Sjukhusinläggningar till följd av akuta hjärt-kärlsjukdomar: finns det skillnader mellan egenföretagare och anställda inom samma bransch?. In Book of abstracts - FALF 2016. Östersund : . pp. 42--43.
Warne, M. & Vinberg, S. (2016). Sun, snow, skiing, work and a lot of party – HR leaders and seasonal workers’ views on alcohol and alcohol prevention at a ski resort in Northern Sweden.. In Inkluderande och hållbart arbetsliv : Book of abstracts – FALF 2016. Östersund : . pp. 13--14.
Hansen, E. , Landstad, B. & Vinberg, S. (2016). Work Experience and Health before and after interventions among leaders and employees in small-scale enterprises. In Decent Work: 4th Conference Disability Management. Olten : . pp. 26-
Vinberg, S. & Warne, M. (2015). Alcohol use among seasonal employees in SMEs at ski resorts. In Understanding Small Enterprises (USE) Conference 2015 'A Healthy Working Life in a Healthy Business'.. pp. 721--728.
Vinberg, S. , Hansen, E. , Markussen, L. & Landstad, B. (2015). Psychosocial working conditions, health and life-style among leaders and co-workers in small-scale enterprises. Paper presented at the Understanding Small Enterprises (USE) 2015, Groningen, The Netherlands, 21-23 October 2015
Vinberg, S. (2014). Workplace-based prevention and rehabilitation programs in Swedish public human service organisations. Paper presented at the 2014 IFDM and the excellence in personal injury management Awards, Meolbourne, Australia, 16-19 November
Landstad, B. & Vinberg, S. (2013). Female leaders’ experiences of psychosocial working conditions, health and vocational rehabilitation in Swedish public human service organizations.. Paper presented at the 12th congress of European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation; 11-14 Sep 2013; Istanbul, Turkey
Vinberg, S. & Landstad, B. (2013). Workplace health interventions in Swedish public sector workplaces. Paper presented at the Forum för arbetslivsforskning konferens 2013 Arbetslivets föränderlighet:Individ-, organisations- och metodperspektiv;17-19 juni 2013; Stockholm, Sweden
Vinberg, S. (2009). Working Conditions and Health Among Female and Male Leaders in Micro-Enterprises. In International journal of rehabilitation research. (International journal of rehabilitation reserach). pp. 66--66.
Millet, P. & Vinberg, S. (2007). Locus of Control and its Influence on Employee health in Public and Private Organisations in Sweden. Paper presented at the The XIIIth European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology; 9-12 May 2007; Stockholm, Sweden
Larsson, J. , Vinberg, S. & Wiklund, H. (2005). Leadership Values for Quality and Health - How does McGregor's X and Y Theory Influences Methodologies and Outcomes?. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development : QMOD 2005 : QMOD 2005 Palermo, Italy 29.06.2005 - 01.07.2005. Luleå : . pp. 691--702.
Vinberg, S. (2005). Network for Workplace Health Promotion. Paper presented at the International Developments in Rehabilitation to Work
Vinberg, S. (2005). Small, Healthy and Effective. A longitudinal study of change processes in Swedish small enterprises.. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Quality Management for Organisational and Regional Development : QMOD 2005.. pp. 725--736.
Wolvén, L. & Vinberg, S. (2004). Gemeinschaft, Gesellschaft and Leadership in Non-Profit Organizations - A Comparative Study between Non-Profit Organizations and Organizations within the Public and Private Sector in the Northern Part of Sweden.. In EGPA 2004 Annual Conference.. pp. 1--24.
Lithander, J. & Vinberg, S. (2003). The King of the Forest as a Money-maker: a case study of entrepreneurship from northern Sweden.. In The Nordic Scottish Universities Network for Rural and Regional Development.. pp. 17--34.
Sandberg, K. W. , Vinberg, S. & Pan, Y. (2001). Integrating working learning during changes in information technology. In Engineering psychology and cognitive ergonomics. Vol. 6, Industrial ergonomics, HCI and applied cognitive psychology. Aldershot : . pp. 357--362.
Vinberg, S. , Gelin, G. & Sandberg, K. W. (2000). ICT-development, job content and profit levels in small and medium sized enterprises. In Proceedings fra Nordiska Ergonomisälskapets Årskonferanse, 2000.. pp. 189--192.
Vinberg, S. , Gelin, G. & Sandberg, K. W. (2000). Networks, ICT level and social consequences – an integrated model for small and medium sized enterprises.. In Proceedings of the XIVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Association, 'Ergonomics for the New Millennium'. San Diego : . pp. 567--570.
Gelin, G. & Vinberg, S. (2000). Networks, ICT-levels and work conditions as determinants of developmental processes in SMEs. In Proceedings NES-2000 - At the gateway to Cyberspace - ergonomic thinking in a new millenium.. pp. 181--184.
Sandberg, K. W. & Vinberg, S. (1999). Competence Ergonomics and Learning in Enterprises. In Proceedings of the 10th Year Anniversary of MSc Ergonomics International Conference.. pp. 166--172.
Vinberg, S. & Sandberg, K. W. (1999). Models for Competence and Health Development in Small Business Enterprises. In Proceedings 10th Year Anniversary MSc Ergonomics Conference.. pp. 178--184.
Doctoral theses
Vinberg, S. (2006). Health and Performance in Small Enterprises : Studies of Organizational Detminants and Change Strategy. Dis. (Comprehensive summary) Luleå : Luleå tekniska universitet, 2006 (Doctoral thesis / Luleå Tekniska Universitet : 2006:13)
Licentiate theses, comprehensive summaries
Vinberg, S. (2003). Healthy Performance in Small Enterprises: Studies of Organizational Determinants. Lic. (Comprehensive summary) Luleå : Luleå University of Technology, 2003 (Licentiate thesis : 2003:33)
Löfstrand, P. , Vinberg, S. , Wall, E. , Selander, J. & Nordenmark, M. (2024). Aktivitetsbaserade kontor inom Östersunds kommun – delrapport.
Vinberg, S. , Landstad, B. , Tjulin, Å. , Nordenmark, M. & Hansson, J. (2024). Småföretag och Covid-19 : – ledares lärdomar inför framtida kriser. Sundsvall : Mid Sweden University
Larsson, J. , Rapp, L. , Roxenfalk-Jatko, K. , Vinberg, S. , Mattson Molnar, M. , Johansson, J. , Jakobsson, M. & Lööw, J. (2022). Organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö för chefer : Chefsenkät, intervjuer, kartläggning av arbetsaktiviteter, litteraturstudie. Luleå : Luleå tekniska universitet
Warne, M. , Carlerby, H. & Vinberg, S. (2017). Trygg i Åre – arbetsgivare mot droger : Slutrapport från genomförd forskning i projektet. Östersund : Mid Sweden University
Vinberg, S. & Landstad, B. J. (2016). Modeller för företagshälsovård i mindre företag : Behovsanpassade insatser med fokus på hälso- och arbetsmiljökompetens hos ledare. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet
Warne, M. & Vinberg, S. (2015). Alkohol och droger bland säsongsanställda på turistorter. : Medarbetares svar på frågor om alkohol, droger, anställningsvillkor, förebyggande arbete och hälsa. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet
Malmusi, D. , Borrell, C. , Suhrcke, M. , Toffolutti, V. , O´Campo, P. , Muntaner, C. , Mitchell, C. , Freiler, A. & et al. (2015). Social and economic policies matter for health equity : Conclusions of the SOPHIE project. Barcelona : Addenda
Vinberg, S. , Larsson, J. , Landstad, B. & Malmquist, C. (2012). Hur påverkas verksamhetens effektivitet och lönsamhet av satsningar på de anställdas hälsa? : En studie av ledarskap och hälsofrämjande processer i två glesbygdskommuner. Östersund : Mittuniversitetet. Institutionen för hälsovetenskap
Lundgren, B. , Nordberg, M. & Vinberg, S. (2011). Hälsa, humankapital och ekonomisk utveckling : Tre uppsatser om hälsans ekonomiska betydelse framtagna inom projektet ”Folkhälsa och regional utveckling i samverkan" En diskussionsrapport. Statens Folkhälsoinstitut
Lithander, J. & Vinberg, S. (2007). Solo- och mikroföretag i Fokuz : Aspekter på entreprenörskap, tillväxt och arbetsliv bland företag i projektet Verksamhet och kompetensanalys. Östersund : (Arbetsrapport R / Institutet för tillväxtpolitiska studier - ITPS 8).
Sandberg, K. W. & Vinberg, S. (2003). Utvärdering av verksamheten på Bryggan i Piteå. Östersund :
Vinberg, S. , Staugård, F. & Lindström, U. (1999). Ett traineeprogram som ett verktyg för arbetslivsutveckling : Erfarenheter från första fasen av ett traineeprogram vid Arbetslivsinstitutet i Östersund. Stockholm : Arbetslivsinstitutet (Arbetslivsinstitutets rapporter 1999:6).
Landstad, B. , Vinberg, S. , Ivergård, T. , Gelin, G. & Ekholm, J. (1999). Förändringar av frånvaromönster vid personalstödjande interventioner på arbetsplatser : Utveckling av en analysmodell för utvärdering av åtgärder. Stockholm : Arbetslivsinstitutet (Arbete och hälsa 15).