Register travel abroad
Go to the menu option My page and select Travel/Expenses to register international business travel.
- Select the form Travel abroad from the list.
- Enter the Purpose.
- Enter the date of departure from your home/office and date of return to your home/office. Fill in the fields Date of departure, Time, Date of return and Time. This refers to the time and date for the entirety of the business trip.
- Fill in the fields Departure Date, Time, select Country (Destination) in the list, Arrival Date and Time.
Click N to add additional rows when travelling to more than one country on the same trip.
Departure date, arrival date and other country must be given in the local time for each country.
- The last row is for the return trip to Sweden. Fill in the fields Departure Date, Time, Country (destination for the trip) - Sweden, fill in Arrival Date and Time.
- If you have booked private accommodation, click on Night subsisten and enter the nights you used private accommodation.
- Enter the number of free meals you received by clicking on Meals. If you received all free meals every day of the trip, you could click on the Internat button.
- If the trip is to be coded to a cost centre other than your regular base code, click on Coding.
In the field extent, the system proposes that costs be distributed at 100%. Change the value if you need to distribute it across several codes. Enter the code and click Add.
- Trip interruption: If your trip included an interruption, enter Cause, Date From–To and Time From–To for this.
- To register expenses incurred during the trip, click on Expenses and select the type of expenses from the list. Enter the currency code, current exchange rate and amount.
If the expense is to be coded differently than the rest of the trip, click on the button Other Coding and enter the coding that applies for the expense.
Select a new row if you have multiple expense items, and register other expenses as described above.
- To register Representation, click on Representation and select the type of representation from the list. Enter the Number of people, Currency code, Exchange rate and Amount.
Click on Participants to register the names of the persons and companies who participated or tick the box Attachment is included and enter the attachment under Note/Att.
Fill in the purpose (syfte) of the representation.
- To register Car Allowence, click Car Allowence and select car compensation tax-free (km) from the list. Enter Route and Number of kilometer's.
A document for the trip must always be attached, for example, a programme/invitation /list of participants, which shows that the trip is a business trip.
Click Note/Att; click select file; select the file to attach and click Add to attach the document to the case.
If your travel contains expenses, a receipt must be attached to your case. The persons reviewing and approving your case must be able to view them.
Physical receipt: Scan your physical receipt and attach it to your case. Next, print the expense attachment by clicking on Outlays appendix/Print. Attach your physical receipt to the appendix and send it to the HR administrator.
Digital receipt: Attach your digital receipt to the case by dragging the file to the attachment box, or press Browse to open your explorer/file system. Click the file you wish to attach and click Add to attach the document to the case.
- Once you have filled in all the information for the trip and attached all the required files, click on Submit to send the case to the reviewer.
Your registration has now been assigned a Case Number and you can view the case status under My cases.