Government employees are entitled to paid holiday time from their first year of employment. In order to receive full pay for holiday time, you must be employed for the whole year. The qualifying year runs from January to December.
Holiday entitlement
The number of holiday days you receive depends on your age. The number of holiday days you have earned during your time in employment is shown in your salary statement. The amount of paid holiday time you receive corresponds to the length of your employment during the calendar year.
Annual holiday entitlement
- Up to and including the age of 29 – 28 days
- From the age of 30 – 31 days
- From the age of 40 – 35 days
NOTE: Employees in senior positions may have a different holiday entitlement. As a rule, the 25 days stipulated in the Annual Leave Act apply.
Those employed for part of the year
Those who are employed for only part of the year earn holiday days according to the following formula: Number of days of employment ÷ 365 (leap year: 366) × annual holiday entitlement.
Unpaid holiday
According the Annual Leave Act, new employees are entitled to unpaid holiday.
- If you were employed before 1 September, you are entitled to five weeks of leave; paid + unpaid days.
- If you were employed after 1 September, you are entitled to at least one week of leave; paid + unpaid days.
Taking holiday
It is your department head/supervisor who decides when your holiday should be, but this should be done in consultation with you and in such a way as to accommodate your wishes as far as possible. You must be allowed to have a period of leisure time of at least four weeks between June and August.
For those of you who work between Monday and Friday every week (including part-time), the days you take out for holiday are counted on a 1:1 ratio.
For those of you who work part time over fewer days per week (vertical part-time), a holiday ratio will be applied. This means that your holiday days will be calculated according the proportion of weekdays that you work each week on average. It is therefore important to add your schedule to Primula when you work part time.
T/A staff administer all of their holidays themselves in Primula. Staff working in the teaching category and doctoral students should normally have their holiday time during the standard period.
Standard holiday time for teachers and doctoral students
According to Mid Sweden University's current working-hours agreement for teachers and doctoral students, teachers should normally take their holiday during school breaks. Standard holiday times do not preclude the possibility of being able to take holiday at other times during the year, nor does it take away the entitlement to save holiday days, but it is necessary in that case to talk to your immediate supervisor about work assignments during the standard holiday period, as well as what the effect will be for the organisation when holiday is taken at times outside the standard period.
2021 standard holiday period
- For those with 28 holiday days 28/6-4/8
- For those with 31 holiday days 28/6-9/8
- For those with 35 holiday days 28/6-13/8
Holiday pay and holiday allowance
Holiday pay consists of your fixed salary at the time holiday is taken plus holiday supplement.
The holiday supplement is 0.44% (ST) or 0.49% (SACO) of your fixed salary at the time holiday is taken.
Saved holiday
If you are entitled to more than 20 paid holiday days during a calendar year, you may save one or more of the extra days for another holiday year. You must use at least 20 days of each year's holiday time before days can be saved, and you may have a maximum of 30 days saved.
If you are entitled to 20 holiday days or fewer, either because you are employed for part of the calendar year or because leave of absence has reduced your number of holiday days, you must use at least half of them to be free before you are permitted to save any days.
Those who, as of 1 January 2018, had 30 or more holiday days saved (maximum 35) may keep these extra days for a period of five years. These extra days must be used no later than 31 December 2022, after which the regulation maximum of 30 saved holiday days applies.