Sick leave
Employees are entitled to sick pay when off sick. The conditions that apply for salary during sick leave are regulated in the general agreement on salaries and benefits (Villkorsavtalet)
Reporting sick leave
If you are sick, you should inform the Service Centre (Servicecenter) as well as your own place of work. The Service Centre will inform the Division of HR. Sickness that lasts for longer than seven days must be verified with a doctor's note.
Sick pay
The first 14 days of a period of sickness are called the sjuklöneperiod, or 'sick pay period' and you receive sick pay from your employer. From the 15th day and onwards, sickness benefit is paid by Försäkringskassan. Försäkringskassan is notified automatically by the Salary Officer after day 15.
A Sick leave deduction is applied so that sick pay for days 1-14 is paid at 80% of the income that is lost.
From 2019-01-01, no qualifying period applies. Instead, pay deduction is applied that corresponds to 3.68% of the current monthly salary. The pay deduction cannot be larger than the sick pay.
Sickness benefit supplement
Employees who are absent due to illness and receive sickness allowance at the normal or continuation level from Försäkringskassan are entitled to receive a sickness benefit supplement in proportion to the extent of their absenteeism, in accordance with the Villkorsavtal/Villkorsavtal-T agreements.
Days 15-365: 10% of the current calendar day salary.
Relapse of sickness
If a new period of sickness begins within five calendar days of a previous one ending, it will be considered as a continuation of the previous period as regards to pay deduction, the level of compensation paid, and the length of the sick pay period.
General high-risk protection
If you have had 10 pay deductions for 10 different periods of illness over the last 12 months, the Sick Pay Act (Sjuklönelagen) stipulates that, for the next sickness period, sick pay must be paid from the first day of sick leave at 80%, as applies for the rest of the period of sickness.
Special high-risk protection
Employees who have received a decision from Försäkringskassan regarding special high-risk protection and pay deduction must send the decision to the HR department.
Further information about what applies in case of sick leave is provided by Försäkringskassan.