Work structure and organization
Responsibility and roles
The principal has employer's liability at Mid Sweden University and assigns tasks in writing to each subordinate supervisor who has responsibility over staff. This means that it is your immediate supervisor who has responsibility for the work environment who is also obligated to perform the tasks involved in our work-environment responsibility.
Supervisors represent the employer and are fully responsible for
employees and their work environment. Supervisors are ultimately responsible for
preventing unequal treatment and making it clear that such behaviour is unacceptable in
the organisation, counteracting discrimination, and in other ways promoting equal rights and
opportunities regardless of sex, gender identity or expression, ethnicity,
religion or other beliefs, impairment, sexual orientation, or age.
Staff and students
Within the scope of their active teamwork, staff and students have a role in
creating a good work environment and combating discrimination, harassment, and other
offensive and unequal treatment by responding to and acting to prevent it from happening.
Organisation of efforts promoting equal opportunities
Chair of the Strategy Group for Equal Opportunities
On behalf of the Principal, the chair of the Strategy Group for Equal Opportunities is responsible for
leading efforts promoting equal opportunities.
Strategy Group
The Strategy Group for Equal Opportunities supports management at Mid Sweden University and makes suggestions regarding general action plans based on Mid Sweden University's 2019-2023 strategy.
Equal Opportunities Officers
Equal Opportunities Officers are secretaries belonging to the Strategy Group for Equal Opportunities and support management at Mid Sweden University with issues relating to equal opportunities.
Equal Opportunities Representatives
Equal Opportunities Representatives participate in the Strategy Group for Equal Opportunities and primarily support supervisors in highlighting aspects relating to equal opportunities in day-to-day work.
Following up efforts to promote equal opportunities
An equal opportunities action plan is integrated into our operational planning and is based on
Mid Sweden University's strategy for 2019–2023. The action plan consists of comprehensive activities
in accordance with applicable legislation.
Local activities promoting equal opportunities are on the departmental level and are integrated into operational planning, affecting both employees and students.
Follow-up takes place in connection with the regular review of activities.
Strategy Group for Equal Opportunities
Dean: chair of the Strategy Group for Equal Opportunities
Student representative: student union, Sundsvall
Equal Opportunities Officer
Forum for Gender Studies
Department head
Equal Opportunities Representative