The Discrimination Act
Mid Sweden University's efforts to promote equal opportunities are based on the Discrimination Act (SFS 2008:567).
The purpose of the Discrimination Act is to combat discrimination and promote equal rights and opportunities, regardless of sex, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religious or other beliefs, impairment, sexual orientation or age.
The law covers direct and indirect discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and instructions to discriminate. The Discrimination Act covers employees as well as students at Mid Sweden University, as well as those applying for work. According to this law, an employer who becomes aware that an employee or student considers that they have been subjected to harassment or sexual harassment in connection with their work by someone employed by or working as an intern for the employer is obligated to investigate the circumstances surrounding the alleged harassment and, where necessary, take the measures that may reasonably be necessary in order to prevent harassment in the future.
Mid Sweden University is a place of work for employees as well as students, which means that the Victimisation at Work Ordinance (AFS 1993:17) forms an important basis to work from when promoting equal opportunities.
If you have been discriminated against for reasons related to your sex, it can be reported. The prohibition against sexual discrimination also covers individuals who intend to or have already changed their gender.
Gender identity or expression
The Discrimination Act states that discrimination linked to a person's gender identity or expression is prohibited. This refers to individuals with a gender identity or expression that permanently or periodically deviates from the gender norm, such as transvestite or intersexual individuals.
The Equality Ombudsman has chosen to use the terms 'gender identity' and 'gender expression'. All humans have a gender identity and a gender expression, not only transgender individuals. By 'gender identity' or 'gender expression', the Equality Ombudsman means a person's identity or expression in their choice of clothing, body language, behaviour or other similar traits regarding gender.
Ethnicity, according to the law, means an individual's national and ethnical origin, skin colour, or other similar traits. All people have one or more ethnicities. Anyone can therefore be subjected to ethnic discrimination – Sámi, Roma, people with Swedish, Somali or Bosnian ethnicity etc. Ethnicity is based on self-identification. It is thus the individual themselves who defines his or her ethnicity.
Religion or other beliefs
Everyone who has a religion or other belief, such as Muslims, Christians, Buddhist and Atheists – Is protected from discrimination.
The Discrimination Act states that discriminating against a person with disabilities is forbidden. According to the Act, this refers to people with long-term physical, psychological or intellectual limitations in their functional capacity. It may be due to injury or illness from birth, was contracted later, or is expected to develop.
The Equality Ombudsman has chosen to use the term funktionsnedsättning ('impairment'). 'Impairment' describes a diminished physical, psychological or intellectual functional capacity. Thus, it describes something that a person has, not something a person is. The Equality Ombudsman considers that the word funktionshinder ('handicap', literally: functional obstacle) is really something that arises in the work environment that causes obstructions for people with impairments.
Impairment may be noticeable to a greater or lesser extent in different situations, such as allergies, dyslexia, hearing and visual impairments, etc. The degree of impairment has no impact on the legal protection provided against discrimination. This means that you are still protected by the law even if you have a minor impairment.
Sexual orientation
Homosexuals, heterosexuals and bisexuals can report discrimination related to sexual orientation.
Age, according to the Discrimination Act, refers to the length of a person's life. All people, regardless of age, may report age-related discrimination.