Work environment policy
The aim of our health and safety efforts is to create a good work environment helps make us an attractive employer and the first choice for students.
The aspiration of Mid Sweden University is to create a stimulating and creative work environment together with employees and students. We work according to the Work Environment Act (Arbetsmiljölagen – AML) and anti-discrimination legislation; gender equality and equal opportunities should prevail.
By 'work environment' we mean:
- The psychosocial environment in the collaboration and relationships formed through work or study
- Work processes, methods and organisation
- Premises, equipment, furnishings, machines and chemical products
Our efforts should be aimed at:
- Promoting health and well-being for everyone in a physical, psychological and social sense
- Ensuring that work and study are satisfying, give a sense of camaraderie and opportunities for personal development in an organisation characterised by respect for one another
- Preventing ill-health and accidents, and implementing active measures for prevention and rehabilitation in order to reduce the chance of work-related sick leave
Application of the policy in order to achieve our objectives and aspirations
Creating a good work environment is a shared responsibility for all of our supervisors, employees and students. Systematic health and safety management (arbetsmiljöarbetet – SAM) must be included as part of our everyday work and needs to be done in cooperation with one another. Job satisfaction and opportunities for personal development are important.
When changes occur in the organisation, we must assess the risks and consequences for health and safety and prevent those risks. Working conditions should be adjusted and improved according to employees’ varied situations. The cost of a good work environment is considered an investment.
Supervisors, other employees and students at Mid Sweden University should know about the existing risks that the work entails, along with necessary protective measures. Everyone should cooperate in creating a good work environment and promote health and safety at work.
All supervisors, employees and students should strive to prevent unequal treatment from occurring in the workplace.
The Safety Committee, Occupational Health Services and the Student Health Centre are important elements of our health and safety efforts.
Responsibility for health and safety
The employer is responsible for the work environment and is obligated to implement the measures that are needed in order to prevent the risk of ill-health, accidents, and sick leave caused by work or study.
The Vice-Chancellor has overall responsibility for the work environment. The distribution of work environment tasks is in the line organization, at Mid Sweden University, the immediate manager with personnel responsibility also has responsibility for the work environment. After distribution, managers are responsible for the systematic work environment management in their operations.
All employees and students should demonstrate that they have a personal responsibility for health and safety in their daily tasks. Each individual is expected to not just follow instructions and procedures but to also be alert to any risks, incidents and threats to a good and safe work environment.
Health and safety representative
The health and safety representative represents employees in health and safety issues and works to help the employer meet the requirements set out in the Work Environment Act.
Student health and safety representative
The student health and safety representative represents students in health and safety issues and helps to ensure that Mid Sweden University meets the requirements set out in the Work Environment Act.