Employee performance review and salary conversation
Head of department/manager and employee have continuous dialogue in everyday life all year round. In addition, dialogues take place twice a year, the employee talks in the spring and the salary conversation in the autumn.
Employee performance review
Mid Sweden University’s strategy and business plan are important starting points for the dialogue between employees and head of department/manager. The employee performance review will be held during the spring and all heads/managers and employees are encouraged to conduct these discussions, as these discussions are important both for the business needs and for the employee’s development.
The conversation require preparation from both head of department/manager and co-workers. The needs for development and change identified are recorded in the individual development plan at the employee performance review and followed up at the salary conversation.
Support materials for employee performance reviews
Support material in the context of dialogue
The talks require preparation from both head of department/manager and co-workers. Here are good tips for the conversation.
Support material for employee dialogues
Wage conversation
In connection with the annual slary review, the manager has wage conversation with all employees. The wage conversation is based on Mid Sweden University’s salary criteria and at the dialogue the employee and manager together review how things have been going over the past year, evaluate performance and provide and receive feedback. The performance reviews is followed up.
Mid Sweden University has common salary criteria that apply to all employees and managers.
Template for salary conversation