Welcome day for new employees
The welcome day is for those who are newly employed at Mid Sweden University.
During half a day you will get an overall picture of Mid Sweden University. You get an insight into the university’s organisation, strategy, goals and vision, the two faculties and their mission and the role of the administration.
We have also made a recording of a ‘welcome day for new employees’ which you will find at the bottom of this page.
If you have any questions, please contact Helena Björling by e-mail helena.bjorling@miun.se.
Upcoming Welcome Day - next course will be in autumn 2023
Date: 2023
Time: 09.00-12.00
Location: Digital via Zoom
Notification: Sign up via the link Welcome Day for New Employees (miun.se)
Agenda for the day:
09.00-10.00 Presentation by MIUN (Rector)
10.05-11.05 Presentation of faculties (NMT and HUV)
11.15-11.45 Presentation of management
11.45-12.00 Trade unions (Saco and ST) welcome