FAQ Individual study plans

  • Log in to miun.se. Go to the student web, click on the button for Ladok. Click on "Go to my Ladok". Fill in your user details and select Mid Sweden University or Mid Sweden University as the institution. If you do not remember your user details, contact the Service Center.

    You can also use the link directly to Ladok for student: https://student.ladok.se/

  • Read more about it here: https://www.miun.se/en/student/my-studies/My-Ladok-Services/increased-security-requirements-for-logging-into-ladok/

  • You are likely logged in to Ladok for staff (green color theme). Log in to Ladok for student (blue color theme). In the menu on the right side of the screen there should be a button "Individual study plan". If you still do not see your study plan and you have recently received or changed your Swedish social security number, it may also have caused the connection between you and your ISP in Ladok to be lost. Contact the faculty administrator.

  • In Ladok, one ISP is created per admission. It also means that all results (courses and milestones) are tied to an admission. The results will therefore only be visible in the one ISP.

  • You can find your publications in Diva https://miun.diva-portal.org/. There is no connection between Diva and Ladok and therefore the publications are not included in your ISP in Ladok.

  • Sometimes things goes wrong, but most of it can be corrected afterwards. Contact the faculty administrator. Note that recent changes may take some time to be reflected in the system.

  • Milestones are entered under the Thesis work tab and in the Planning and follow-up section. Enter score range in the title.

  • Completed course credits can be seen under the Courses and conferences tab.Completed milestones and courses and conferences are summarized sorted by calendar half year in the timeplan tab. There is still no support in the system for quantitatively summing up thesis points, but that will hopefully come when the system is developed further.

  • Go to the Workflow tab. Click the "Download PDF" button. Save the file in a suitable location.

  • The faculties will send out information to affected doctoral students, supervisors and Head of subject/department when the time is right.

  • This can be due to one of two things: 1. You have studied the course within the framework of your licentiate degree if you are admitted to doctor later part and therefore it is not visible in your ISP for the later part. Check if the course is available in the ISP for the licentiate degree. 2. The course has ended up in Ladok as an freestanding course. It then needs to be linked to your postgraduate education in order to appear in the ISP. Contact the faculty administrator.

  • In Ladok, only courses, conferences and seminars can be marked as completed by results being reported by the course manager or equivalent. It is therefore not possible to change the status. The only exception applies to activities in the field "non-credit-bearing-activities" where you can set the status "completed".

  • No, it is not a requirement. However, it may be a good idea to hold more formal supervision meetings that are documented from time to time. The individual study plan is the legal document that regulates your postgraduate education alongside the subject's general study plan. Both the university's and the doctoral student's commitments must be stated here. In the event of a dispute, both parties can be protected by having documented how the postgraduate education progresses, for example at regular meetings.

  • No, documentation of learning outcomes will not be mandatory, either at HUV or NMT, at least not during the start-up of Ladok ISP. However, the tab can be used to ensure that planned activities steer towards the right goal, i.e. as a follow-up tool of the progression.

  • A planned course that is completed must be reported into Ladok by the course manager or equivalent. When it is placed as completed, you must remove it yourself during planned courses so that it is not placed twice.

The page was updated 9/25/2024