Fri 03 May 2024 14:52

Work is underway to procure a central survey tool that can be used by teachers, researchers, administrative and technical staff and students here at Mid Sweden University.

The new survey tool is intended to replace our current survey tools, including the Survey of Carbon Dioxide. Netigate and EvaSys, with the requirement to be functional, secure and economically justifiable. The work also includes determining which organisational unit will have ownership and management responsibility for the new survey tool. The forms for the continued work will be addressed within the framework of the portfolio management group for Digitalisation before the summer. 

A question that has arisen during the preparatory work is how the future use of Qualtrics will be affected. A starting point is that it should be possible to use Qualtrics in the future if necessary, for example in various research projects that require the use of the tool. A new extension period for Qualtrics will be announced before the summer. Instead of having a so-called site license as we have had so far, we will procure a number of user licenses based on need. 

More detailed information will be presented in the future.


Louise Beskow

Universitetsdirektör|University director

+46 (0)10-1726574


The page was updated 5/3/2024