Order an account to the vault
Account to the Vault
An account for the Vault is ordered via the service portal. Estimated delivery time 1 week.
Payment model
Basic price per user/month 200 SEK. As a user, you can share and collaborate with unlimited number of colleagues/partners. You only pay for the basic account and storage.
When ordering, login details are assigned as well as 10 GB of storage space. Additional storage space beyond the base level 1 SEK/GB/month is sold in blocks of 10 GB.
Examples: If you need more storage, e.g. 100 GB, it would cost you SEK 290/month.
Change of account
A change to an account may be that you need more storage space, that some basic information is incorrect and needs to be changed, that an account is to be paid by another project, etc. In all cases, you contact IT support via the service portal.
Termination of account
It is important that an account in the vault is terminated if it is no longer to be used. An example could be if the vault has been used during a project period and the project is finished.
You as the account owner need to ensure that the information that is to remain and possibly archived according to Mid Sweden University information management plan is moved before your account in the vault ends.
The account must be closed for automatic debiting to stop.
Termination of the account takes place via the service portal.