Higher Education and its Context
The course Higher education and its context is part of the package of qualifying courses in teaching and learning in higher education. The course targets employees at Mid Sweden University.
Entry requirements: Higher education exam
Level: Advanced (second cycle)
Duration: 2 weeks (equivalent to 3 course credits)
Department: Division of Research and Educational Support
Course description revised: 2023-10-12
The overarching aim of this course is to contribute to the basic teaching proficiency required for employment as a teacher in higher education, when it comes to knowledge of national and local rules and regulations, as well as the basic values of higher education.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, in addition to the general objectives in Chapter 1, Section 9 of the Swedish Higher Education Act for the second cycle, the participant should be able to:
- apply relevant national and local rules and regulations for teaching in higher education
- discuss the public objectives for higher education
- reflect on his or her professional approach to academic teaching in regard of the basic values of higher education, such as democracy and equal opportunities, sustainability, digitalization and internationalization.
The course consists of four modules/themes:
- Objectives and regulations for higher education
- Cultures in higher education and the role of the academic teacher
- Values and perspectives on democracy, equality and life-long learning in higher education
- Internationalisation, digitisation and sustainable development
Teaching and study forms
The course is based on the principle of active exchange of knowledge between teachers from all subject fields and thus presupposes participation in all teaching sessions.
The course runs at quarter speed during eight weeks. It comprises four online meetings in Zoom. The meetings will take place every two weeks. In between, the participants are expected to work on assignments in specified groups. During the course, the following study forms will be used:
- Seminars/webinars
- Group assignments
- Individual assignments
Assessment and grading
In the course, the grades given is Pass (G) and Failed (U). In order to get the grade Pass (G), the participant should have gained a pass from all the assessed course components (including active participation in examining course meetings).
The course assessment is continuous and consists of an individual written task that is carried out in several steps and with the help of peer review from colleagues.
Course literature
Brandén, H. (2022). Work Traditions in Higher Education (compendium, available in Moodle).
Statskontoret (2019). Basic Values of Central Government Authorities: Common Principles for a Good Administrative Culture.
Umeå universitet (2019). Everyday Dilemmas: Working with Basic Values in Practice at Umeå University.
National laws and ordinances
The Swedish Higher Education Act (translated by the Swedish Council for Higher Education)
The Higher Education Ordinance (translated by the Swedish Council for Higher Education)
Local rules and outlines at Mid Sweden University
(some documents are only available in Swedish)
Environmental policy, Dnr MIUN 2022/2888
Gender Equality Plan, Dnr MIUN 2023/793
Mittuniversitetets examensordning, Dnr MIUN 2007/373
Mittuniversitetets klimatstrategi, Dnr 2020/2189
Mittuniversitetets kvalitetssystem, Dnr MIUN 2018/1820
Mittuniversitetets strategi 2019-2026, Dnr MIUN 2018/1006. (Available in English in a condensed version, updated 2023-02-01
Plan för jämställdhetsintegrering och lika villkor, Dnr MIUN 2022/2701
Regler för examination, Dnr MIUN 2020/1174
Regel för utbildningsplan, Dnr MIUN 2021/795
Regel för kursplaner, Dnr 2021/795
Tips för ökad tillgänglighet i undervisningen (2015), Mittuniversitetet
Reference literature
(Only available in Swedish)
Brandén, H. (2022). Lärande, undervisning och arbete inom högre utbildning.
Garcia, F. & Ewins, K. (red.) (2023). Jämställdhetsintegrering i högre utbildning.
Gribbe, J. (2022). Förändring och kontinuitet: Reformer inom högre utbildning och forskning 1940–2020. Universitetskanslersämbetet.
Course Period
During the acedemic year 2024-2025, the course runs at quarter speed from week 50 to 08, with course meetings:
- Wednesday, December 18, 09:00 - 12:00
- Wednesday, January 15, 09:00 - 12:00
- Wednesday, January 29, 09:00 - 12:00
- Wednesday, February 12, 09:00 - 12:00