New as teacher
Welcome to the Mid Sweden University! As a new hire you are probably full of questions about what kind of support you can get regarding your teaching. Here you can find information about how the University Library can support you.
The University Library offers workshops and courses in how you can use the pedagodgical tools available to you. You can find these in "Biblioteket".
Mid Sweden University uses the learning management system Moodle. When you are hired, your boss orders a user account for login for you with the IT-department. This is necessary to be able to use Moodle. When you want to create a Moodle course, you order the template from Libtrary through our order form. This should be done no later than two weeks before course start.
You will find Moodle workshops in our course program. You also have the opportunity to ask questions and get help, book a meeting with Educational Development.
Through SUNET (The Swedish University Data Network), the e-meeting tool Zoom is available to the employees of Mid Sweden University. You can use it for tutorials, lectures, meetings and seminars in distance education teaching.
More information about Zoom
Other tools
You can find more information about available digital tools in the page Programvaror för medarbetare (only in Swedish, at the moment).
Camtasia is a tool you can use to record a lecture by making a film of your PowerPoint-presentation, or record your computer screen. Camtasia is a licensed program which you order through Helpdesk after asking your boss' permission.
As a new employee it is also good to know that if needed, you can record lectures through Zoom or in specific Zoom rooms, or studios, avilable in both Östersund and Sundsvall.
Questions? Thoughts? Please contact us.