Application process
Funds are allocated annually for strategic development projects, including general university project resources (ALP). The aim of the ALP funds is to stimulate Mid Sweden University’s development through innovative projects that can serve as pre-studies for a wider use within the university.
ALP funding can be applied for projects relating to research, education, collaboration or administration. However, the 2024 call is limited to education and education-collaboration. The funds can be applied for by all parts of the university; faculties, departments, centres and administrative divisions. It is possible to apply for funds for one or two years.
ALP funds may be granted to projects that:
- in the long term can be beneficial in the development of the entire university .
- does not naturally finance research, education and administration that is part of the faculty, department or department of ordinary activities.
- is relatively extensive (a typical project is expected to amount to between SEK 250000 and SEK 1 million, spread over 1-2 years). Smaller projects are expected to be funded within the regular budget.
- February 9 – Deadline to submit an idea-description.
- Week 9 – Decision on further handling of received idea-descriptions
- Week 10/11 – Notice to applicants of approval for continued handling, request for completion or refusal.
- May 15 – Deadline to submit a complete project plan for approved idea-descriptions.
- Week 23 – Final announcement of approval and funding.
The proposer writes an idea-description via a form and submits it to the ALP portfolio. The idea-descriptions are then assessed by the portfolio management group on the basis of the benefits for Mid Sweden University’s activities.
When submitted idea-descriptions have been reviewed, feedback is made to the proposer if the idea-description is approved, needs to be supplemented or rejected. If the idea-description is approved for further management, the proposer have to write a project plan.
Project plan
After approval, the proposer writes a project plan using the ALP-project template.
The project plan shall contain a clear description of the objectives and the activities that will be carried out in the project. The project plan should also describe the benefits and the effects that the project is expected to have on its own activities as well as for Mid Sweden University in general. The project plan may also include suggestions on how the project will be managed after the project time if there are ideas about it.
All ALP projects are expected to deliver a final report at the end of the project. A template for how the final report can be written is available here. The activity list in the project plan must state when the final report is delivered.
The projects that have been awarded project funding must be able to present the status and effects of the project to the Management Council, the Research Council, the Education Council or at any seminar day upon request.
Unspent funds at project closure are returned to the source of funding.