Supervision and support |

Supervision and support

Information on supervision for doctoral students is provided here, along with information on the role of the Director of Studies for the third-cycle course.

Kontor, möte, kommunikation
  • The director of studies arranges various activities in the doctoral student programme such as doctoral student days and seminars for all third-cycle students. The director of studies can provide support to doctoral students on individual matters. You can also approach the director of studies on matters you do not wish to discuss with your supervisor.  

    The director of studies for third-cycle education in the Faculty of Human Sciences is docent (associate professor) Gustav Lidén

  • The Higher Education Ordinance states that for each doctoral student, at least two supervisors must be appointed. One of them shall be appointed as principal supervisor. The doctoral student is entitled to supervision during the education as long as the vice-chancellor does not decide otherwise on the basis of paragraph 30. A doctoral student who requests it should be allowed to change supervisors.

    At the time of admission, the Council for Third-Level Education appoints a principal supervisor and at least one assistant supervisor for the third-cycle student. After admission, the Research Faculty is responsible for deciding on any change/addition of supervisor. Minutes of the Research Faculty meeting and a completed form are sent to the faculty office for updating in Ladok and the research database. 


  • Third-cycle students in the Faculty of Human Sciences must have at least two supervisors. The principal supervisor must be permanently employed in the faculty and be at least a docent (associate professor). Assistant supervisors must hold doctorates. In exceptional cases assistant supervisors from other higher education institutions may be permitted. All supervisors employed at Mid Sweden University must have undergone supervisor training. 

    For a doctoral student who is employed in the Faculty of Human Sciences, 102 hours per year must be budgeted. The hours are shared between the supervisors. 


Sara Häggström

Fakultetshandläggare|Faculty Administrative Officer

+46 (0)10-1726526

The page was updated 3/3/2022