Faculty Board
The Faculty Board's area of responsibility consists of the main areas of education at first and second cycle level, the subjects at postgraduate level and the research that belongs to the faculty.
The activities of the faculties are conducted and developed based on goals and strategies determined by the University Board or the Vice-Chancellor and are carried out in collaboration with each other.
Board Members
Pär Olausson, Dean and Associate Professor in Political Science
Vice Chairperson
Sandra Wall-Reinius, Associate Dean and Associate Professor in Human Geography
Internal Members
Samuel Edquist, Professor of History
Jimmy Jaldemark, Professor of Education
Magnus Israelsson, Senior Lecturer in Social Work
Sara Nyhlén, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Associate Professor of Political Science
Kristina Zampoukos, Associate Professor of Human Geography
External Members
Anne Hammarström, Professor of Public Health Science at Karolinska Institutet
Maritta Soininen, Professor Emerita of Political Science, Stockholm University
Student and PhD Student Representatives
Felicia Hörnfeldt, Student Representative from the Sundsvall Student Union
Emil Thors, Student Representative from the Östersund Student Union
Fathi Abou Zaid, PhD Student Representative
Alternate members
Ulla Näppä, Senior Lecturer in Nursing Science
Monique Pfaltz, Professor of Psychology
Cases to be considered by the Faculty Board should be submitted to the secretary no later than 3 weeks before the meeting.
For minutes (only available in Swedish), please contact registrator@miun.se

Pontus Cavallie-Wase
Fakultetshandläggare|Faculty Administrative Officer