Accommodation Östersund
Student accommodation is provided by the municipality of Östersund. Please note that when applying for student accommodation, you are not guaranteed to get your first hand choice. Make sure to apply for accommodation once you receive your Notification of Selection Results!
Östersundshem is the municipal housing company in Östersund. Östersundshem offers a variety of housing in various areas in Östersund. Most of the student accommodation is located in the centre of Östersund within walking distance of both the university campus and the city centre.
Apply: Application is sent by e-mail to:
Please state if you are an exchange student or if you will study a full programme (freemover student) at Mid Sweden University.
Website: Östersundshem
Odenslingan is popular among international students. This housing area offers student accommodation in cottages that are located about three kilometres from Östersund city centre.
Area: Map
Apply: Application is sent by e-mail to:
Please state if you are an exchange student or will study a full programme (programme student) at Mid Sweden University.
Website: Odenslingan (The website has no information specifically for students, but gives a general overview. For more information, please use the e-mail address above.)
Arrival and keys
Always make sure to contact the housing provider in advance and make necessary arrangements regarding pick up of your key to your accommodation when you arrive. If you arrive outside opening hours, or if your accommodation, for some reason, is not available on the day of your arrival, we advise you to book a hostel/hotell for the night and collect the keys when it is possible.
You can collect your keys in the reception during office hours. If you arrive after opening hours you can make arrangements with the housing provider to collect your keys in a key box on the premises.
Contact Odenslingan for more information about this.
You can collect your keys at Östersundshem's office if you arrive within office hours Monday-Friday 10.00-15.00. Please note that you must book an appointment well in advance to collect your key on arrival.If you arrive outside these opening hours, or if your accommodation, for some reason, is not available on the day of your arrival, we advise you to book a hostel/hotell for the night and collect the keys when it is possible.
Power of attorney
This is needed if you arrange for someone to collect your key on behalf of you, if you for exampe arrive outside of office hours and want to get access to your accommodation when you arrive. Contact Östersundshem for more information.