Degree Requirements
Every degree has a qualification descriptor in which the requirements are described - some of the descriptors are translated into English.
Higher education in Sweden is divided into three cycles; the first, second and third, according to the Bologna process. All degrees are awarded in one of these cycles. The degrees are also divided into general degrees and professional degrees. Degrees may be awarded after completing a study programme or a combination of single-subject courses. Mid Sweden University has the right to award the degrees listed in link below.
See the Subject List for possible major subjects/specializations.
General Degrees
General Degrees - qualification descriptors
Professional Degrees
Yrkesexamina (professional degrees) are awarded in the fields of engineering, nursing, education et c. Professional degrees can be awarded in either the first or the second cycle and they vary in length depending on their character. It is uncommon for international students studying for our professional degrees, why the degree requirements for these are not presented here. Mid Sweden University has the right to award the following professional degrees (translated into English): Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Social Work, Bachelor/Master of Science in Education, Bachelor/Master of Science in Engineering and Master of Science in Psychology. Qualification descriptors in English are available at the Degree Office.
Can not find the requirements?
If you have been a student at Mid Sweden University admitted to an education or with all your courses completed before 1 July 2007 you will not find the requirements that applied, since you belong to an older degree structure that is not valid any longer. Please contact the Degree Office for information.