On both campuses at Mid Sweden University, there are student unions to look after your interests regarding both your education and the social aspects of student life. Student unions are organisations of students for students. They represent your interests and ensure you receive a good education.
Looking after students' interests
An important part of the student unions work is to ensure the student voice is heard and that student interests are represented effectively. In all preparatory and deciding boards and counsils at Mid Sweden University, there are seats for student representatives. The union is also engaged in dialogue with the municipalities and the local commercial and industrial life, in order to cover all aspects of student life and students' future prospects.
Additionally there are programme associations for most of the study programmes at Mid Sweden University. They work specifically with your programme ensuring you get the most out of your courses, they cooperate with the local commercial and industrial life to enhance your employability and organise social activities so you can get to know your coursemates.
Getting involved
Getting involved with the studen union means you get the opportunity to broaden your competence and at the same time meet new people. This type of experience looks attractive on a CV and can act as an additional qualification for you in a future working life.
All members of the student union are required to pay a small membership fee. If you wish to become a member you pay the membership fee to the student union that is active on your campus. However, student union membership is not compulsory.
International Student Committee and International Generals
The International Student Committee/generals is the branch of the student union that focuses on the well being of the international students at Mid Sweden University. For instance, during the introduction week the Committee organizes welcome events followed by different social activities, parties and trips during the rest of the semester.
Student union Sundsvall
President: Anitra Gudmarsdotter
Email: ordf@sks.miun.se
Mobile: 0046 (0)70 716 68 30
Office: Grönborg Building A Second floor
Web: SKS website
First Vice President: Fanny Sellbom
Study Politics and Educational Monitoring
Email: Forstevice@sks.miun.se
Office: Grönborg Building A Second floor
Web: SKS website
Second Vice president: Felicia Hörnfeldt
Study Social
Email: Andrevice@sks.miun.se
Office: Grönborg Building A Second floor
Web: SKS website
Receptionist: Ally Nordlund
Email: Studentkaren@sks.miun.se
Mobile: 0046 (0)70 716 68 31
Reception: Service Center House N
Social media:
International committee Sundsvall
Email: internationals@sks.miun.se
Student union Östersund
President: Emil Thors
Mail: ordforande@sko.miun.se
Phone: 0046 (0)70-662 17 95
Website: Student union Östersund
Vice President: Tove Sollander
Mail: vice@sko.miun.se
Phone: 0046 (0)70-662 17 95
Website: Student union Östersund
Social media:
These websites or forums are managed by the Student Union in Östersund and make sure you follow for more information about social activities and important information for the introduction days:
International students Facebook Group Östersund
International Boxes Östersund