Supported Education Training
Information om utbildningen direkt från vår utbildare Lies Korevaar.
Supported Education Training (5-steps model: supporting students with mental health problems to remain at school)
General information
the training covers the following topics:
- Day 1 – 5 sep (10.00 – 17.00 hours) - Acquaintance & overview training - Introduction in Supported Education - Keeping 1: • Step 1: Start of the SEd process • Step 2a: Requirements of the school • Step 2b: Personal Important behaviors • Step 3a: Listing critical skills (including disclosure skill)
- Day 2 – 6 sep (09.00 – 16.00 hours) - Keeping 2: • Step 3b: Listing critical resources • Step 3c Select the critical resource (person or service) • Step 4: Setting an Educational Support Plan • Step 5: Monitoring progress • Summary & evaluation
- Three online supervision sessions of two hours
The objective of the training is to familiarize participants with Supported Education and to offer a high quality training in the main topics of the ‘keep-phase’ of Supported Education.
Target group
The training is targeted at university professionals who may wish to learn more about Supported Education and who are working with students with mental health problems who want to remain at school.