Dissertation in Business Administration with Irina Dimitrova

Wed 16 Oct 2024 13.00–16.00
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Welcome to a dissertation in business administration where Irina Dimitrova defends her dissertation "The cashless paradox: Adoption and resistance".

Irina Dimitrova

About the thesis

The digital development and the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated an already reduced need for cash. This is also the case in Sweden, which may be on its way to becoming the first cashless country in the world. The foundation for a cashless society is motivated by a number of advantages, but at the same time there are challenges. In other words, the situation reflects two sides of the same coin.

The overall aim of the thesis is to describe and analyze the relationship between barriers (challenges) and barrier breakers (benefits) and the intention to fully choose digital payment methods. An important aspect that the thesis also focuses on is intermediate aspects as these tend to influence how barriers and barrier breakers can increase or decrease the intent to use digital payment methods.

The dissertation consists of four articles, where Irina Dimitrova has used both quantitative (questionnaires and statistical analyses) and qualitative (netnography and interpretive analyses) methods. Two groups of bank customers are in focus: those who have adopted these payment methods and those who have accepted digital payment methods but at the same time express resistance to a cashless society.

The results show that the first group of bank customers perceive privacy and access barriers as significantly related to the intention to fully use digital payment methods, while the second group perceives the lack of in-person contact as a significant barrier. 

Dissertation and mingle

The dissertation will take place at Campus Sundsvall in room L111, L-building. After the dissertation, we invite you to mingle with light refreshments in the restaurant Åkroken, N-building. To participate in the mingle you need to fill out the registration form below.

Participate in the public defence via Zoom

Professor Carlos Flavian, University of Zaragoza, Spain 

Professor Peter Öhman, CER and Mid Sweden University

Professor Darush Yazdanfar, CER and Mid Sweden University

Anmälan/Sign up for

Tack för din anmälan! Har du några frågor så går det bra att kontakta: lena.e.burman@miun.se

Deltar vid minglet/Attending the mingle


Corné de Beer

Fakultetshandläggare|Faculty Administrative Officer

+46 (0)10-1726548


The page was updated 9/6/2024