"2024 CER FinTech Symposium Highlights: Global Insights and Practical Applications"
At the beginning of the summer, the "2024 CER FinTech Symposium" was held at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall, a two-day conference featuring researchers from Europe, the USA, and Asia, along with practitioners, including representatives from two of the banks in the CER network.
Two of the participants from the CER network that attended the symposium were Svante Berggren, bank manager at Länsförsäkringar Västernorrland, and Carina Bergqvist Palm, chairwoman of Nordea's Norrland Foundation. Both were very pleased with the event and grateful for the opportunity to participate and learn about the latest research in the FinTech field:
— "I thought the lectures on studies from around the world were really interesting. The most engaging parts were when the discussions were relevant to my everyday work and not too abstract. It was also exciting to hear about the developments around cash in society and its necessity. There's a lot to take back at our daily work, especially regarding how we internally communicate and discuss these issues," says Svante Berggren, echoed by Carina Bergquist Palm:
— "I think the entire conference was very well organized, with good opportunities and time for networking, discussions, and exchanging experiences among the participants."
The “2024 CER FinTech Symposium” was organized by the Centre for Research on Economic Relations (CER) and the Economic Research Foundation in Sundsvall, with support from EM Normandie Business School (France), the Academy of Financial Services (USA), and Cardiff University (UK). This collaboration highlights the global interest and cooperative effort in advancing FinTech research.