Research Groups

Advanced materials and processes

Within the research group advanced materials and processes, we work with additive manufacturing, large-scale processes for applications with graphene and supercapacitors.


The Bioenergy gasification research group are focused on synthesis gas (“syngas”) production from biomass for automotive fuel production. The research is directed to the thermo-chemical conversion ...

Fibre mechanics

We aim to form a new scientifically attractive research program on processing of pulp fibres. Our aim is to develop new R&D methods in order to acquire new knowledge about the fibre-level mechanism...

High Yield Pulping Technology

Research focused on raw material, process technology and new or improved products and qualities for forest and paperindustry.  High yield pulp (HYP) is produced at a yield over 85% from different...

Materials physics

Our research concerns materials mainly with relevance for the forest industry. We have many projects in the field of large area applications and green energy, energy harversting, store and use energy.

Organic chemistry

The research interest of the organic chemistry group focuses around green catalysis and in particular the field of organic catalysis. Several asymmetric reactions using natural amino acids and amin...

Surface and colloid engineering

The group in Surface and Colloid Engineering works on soft matter research. Our ambitious research projects are curiosity-driven and we aim to generate groundbreaking knowledge. We are focusing on...

The page was updated 6/25/2024