Dr. Christine Guillemot from France visits STC

Wed 15 Nov 2017 14:37

In November STC got a research visit from Dr. Christine Guillemot Directeur de Recherche, INRIA France. On her visit at Mid Sweden University she held a guest lecture on "Light field imaging: challenges and research issues".

Dr. Christine Guillemot

Christine was invited by Prof. Mårten Sjöström and his research group Realistic 3D at STC who work with the same research questions as Christine. In the audience was PhD-students, post-doc researchers and professors from STC who wanted to learn more about Light-field Imaging and exchange knowledge with Christine.


All imaging systems are about capturing light rays emitted by the imaged 3D scene. While in classical 2D cameras, each sensor element sums light rays emitted by one point of the scene, research effort has been dedicated in the past decade to the design of imaging systems, e.g. rigs of cameras, cameras mounted on a moving gantry, or plenoptic cameras, to record light rays along different viewpoints or emitted by the scene along different orientations. This talk will review recent progress in light field imaging. It will focus on several challenging processing problems, the representation and compression of the very large volume of captured visual data, the problem of restoration to overcome technological limitations.  It will finally present processing problems such as editing, now common with 2D images, which must also be made possible with these –possibly very dense- multi-view captures, if in the future we want a wide deployment of these imaging modalities.

Short bio

Christine Guillemot holds a PhD degree from ENST (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications) Paris. From November 1985 to October 1997, she has been with FRANCE TELECOM, where she has been involved in various projects in the area of coding for TV, HDTV and multimedia. From Jan.90 to mid 91, she has worked at Bellcore, NJ, USA, as a visiting scientist.  Since November 1997, she is 'Director of Research' at Inria, head of a research team dedicated to the design of algorithms for the image and video processing chain, with a focus on analysis, representation, compression, and editing, including for emerging modalities such as high dynamic range imaging and light fields. She has served as Associate Editor for several IEEE journals (IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, …) and She is currently a member of the IEEE IVMSP Committee.  She is currently Senior Area Editor of IEEE Trans. On Image Processing (2016-2017) and member of the IEEE- trans. On Multimedia steering committee. She has been a member of the IEEE IMDSP (2002-2007) and IEEE MMSP (2005-2008) technical committees. Christine Guillemot is an IEEE fellow.

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