

On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag TECHNOLOGY. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.

There are 121 English pages and 82 Swedish pages that are tagged with TECHNOLOGY. The content may vary depending on language.


The project MAGI aims to develop test and lab platforms for sensor technology and lightweight constructions.


Formas is financing a research project called NovoCell. The research is developed in the research group Surface and Colloid Engineering.


This research project will develop Eco-effective processes and systems in cooperation with the paper industries in Sweden.


This research project contains process modelling and full-scale evaluation of new segment design in a refiner for paper industry.

One year in the research project DRIVE

We have been driven the research project DRIVE for almost a year. We had planned a green energy seminar in May. But due to the corona pandemic, it is postponed until September 18. See the latest ne...

New nanomaterials for better batteries

Researchers at Mid Sweden University have developed high-capacity batteries using a novel nanomaterial. These new results, published in Scientific Reports (2019), show an increase of capacity by 10...

Cold start

The project aims to develop a stable working methodology in the long term in order to be able to use the EBM process to repair details.

Presents metal 3D printing in China

During August 16-18 Andrey Koptyug from the Additive Manufacturing Group at Sports Tech Research Centre was representing Sweden at the International Forum "3D Printing and Intelligent Manufacturing...


BioChange will create conditions for companies to more easily change from fossil based plastics to more biobased plastics by offering quick comparative testing on the raw material before production.

The page was updated 10/2/2019