Patrik Jonsson – new Adjunct Assistant Professor at STC
Welcome to STC Dr. Patrik Jonsson! As from November 1 he is our new Adjunct Assistant Professor from our partner company Combitech. Patrik has a PhD in Electronics from Mid Sweden University and will contribute to coming research applications and research projects.
Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I'm soon turning 50 and together with my wife, I have four children aged 23, 18, 10 and 8 years old. We live on a farm outside Östersund where we are close to nature and can have our horses in our own stable. Ever since I was a child, I have had a great technological interest, which has influenced my educational choices. I graduated from MSc in Engineering Physics at Umeå University and then started working at FOA (current FOI) with system development for diffusion models.
I then searched for a job with a clearer connection between computer numbers and the outside world, so I moved to Östersund and started working for AerotechTelub, current Combitech. There I have had several roles over the years, but my main interest in electronics and measurement systems has always followed me. When it opened an opportunity to become an Industrial PhD student at Mid Sweden University, I could focus on interesting subjects for a long time.
My PhD thesis was called "Surface status classification, utilizing image sensor technology and computer models". I developed a completely new measurement technology that can determine whether a road is wet, dry, icy or snow-covered. The technology can make deicing efficient and avoid accidents and save lives. The current research at STC within ice-detection related to wind power and wind research, is in some extent a continuation of my conducted research. My time at the university resulted in a lot of good friends and colleagues in the research community, a successful bonus effect of the research.
Tell us a about your role here at STC?
I’m an Adjunct Assistant Professor which means that I have a natural link to the university even after completing my PhD degree in Electronics. I can therefore be included as a full-time researcher in project applications and also participate in various research projects. We hope that any of our applications will enable me to actively work in research groups at Mid Sweden University.
How come Combitech partnered up with Mid Sweden University?
Combitech is a very technically intensive company and that want to get access to latest within the research front that gives us competitive edge in the market.
Which are the advantages being partner with Mid Sweden University?
Via the university we can naturally discuss and participate in different research projects. We can use the results from the projects for further development in our own projects and business. At Combitech we also consider it important to have good relations with our universities. It is an opportunity for us to find and recruit our future colleagues.
Patrik Jonsson together with PhD student Staffan Rydblom and Björn Ollars from Combitech at the measurement station in Klövsjö 2016. They are installing a new measuring system that predicts ice formation. The equipment can measure the amount of small water droplets in the air, basically measuring the fog, to determine if there is a risk of icing on, for example, wind turbines or power lines. The project is being carried out by PhD-student Staffan in cooperation with Combitech and the Civil Aviation Administration.