STC researchers visits SPIE Photonics West

Fri 10 Feb 2017 10:02

January 28-February 2, 2017, it was once again time for yearly SPIE Photonic West conference in San Francisco and once again STC Researchers was on place to present the latest research together with Fiber Optic Valley and regional companies.

SPIE Photonics West 2017
PhD-student Enkeleda Balliu at SPIE Photonic West

SPIE Photonics West is the world's largest photonics technologies event. Every year over 20,000 people come to hear the latest research and find the latest devices and systems driving technology markets including state-of-the art medical technologies, the Internet of things, smart manufacturing and “Industry 4.0,” autonomous vehicles, scientific research, communications, displays, and other solutions powered by photonics.

STC researchers Dr. Magnus Engholm and PhD-Student Enkeleda Balliu were there to present their latest research results for the visitors.

- It has been a very intressting conference, as usual, with many intressting presentationsl. We got the opportunity to meet and discuss with other researchers and companies, says Magnus Engholm.

Fiber Optic Valleys exhibition togehter with Mid Sweden University, Nyfors, LCtec, Rise and SenseAir.

STC Sensible Things that Communicate logotyp

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