New PhD student ‑ Mehdi Akbari Saatlu

Wed 09 Oct 2019 13:39

We would like to welcome a new PhD student - Mehdi Akbari Saatlu- to STC Research Centre. He is a part of the research project MiLo and will be working on nanowires for gas sensing application.

Mehdi Akbari Saatlu

Can you tell us a little about your background?

As a bachelor student in the field of Electrical Engineering I graduated from Sahand University of Technology in 2015, then I started my master's degree at Khaje Nasir University of Technology (In the Electronic Materials Laboratory, under supervision of Prof. Faramarz Hossein-Babaei) mainly dealing with gas sensors and growth of metal oxides. After my M.Sc., I applied for a PhD degree here at STC.

What is your area of interest?

I have worked with metal oxides that can used in various application. Gas sensor is what I am into, because during my M.Sc. I gained plenty of information about metal oxides known as potential candidate for gas sensors.

What is it that you are going to investigate in your Ph.D?

My PhD will be dedicated to investigate the nanowires for gas sensing application. The most important part will be functionalization of these nanowires to the target gas.

How do you like it here at Mid Sweden University?

I am excited to be here. It provides me with cutting edge technology. I am sure that it can pave the way for better future. This is the place that I can start to achieve my goals which are joining industry and helping the society in many ways.

What do you do in your spare time?

I am trying to find somewhere to play volleyball and ping pong professionally here at Sundsvall. I like to learn Swedish, I am going to attend Swedish class as well. 


Contact Mehdi Akbari Saatlu



The page was updated 10/29/2019