Examples of data-driven development were discussed in Östersund | miun.se

Examples of data‑driven development were discussed in Östersund

Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:05

On April 18, entrepreneurs from Östersund gathered at Mid Sweden University's campus to learn more about how data-driven development can be used to achieve energy efficiency, create innovative business models and increase profitability.

Datadriven Utveckling i Östersund

Invited speakers were Andrea Fors from Sopra Steria, Sandra de Brito and Andreas Westberg from Jämtkraft and Mattias O'Nils from Mid Sweden University's research center STC. All gave concrete examples of how data-driven development has been used in different cases.

Datadriven Utveckling i Östersund

Sandra de Brito and Andreas Westberg from Jämtkraft.


Datadriven Utveckling i Östersund

Andrea Fors from Sopra Steria.


The interest for the day's speakers and theme was great. To give more people the opportunity to participate, the seminar was arranged as a hybrid event with 35 participants on site in Östersund and around 50 participants online from all over the region. The presentations were recorded and can be viewed on Youtube.

Watch the presentations on Youtube


Datadriven Utveckling i Östersund

Sofia Nystedt from Destination Östersund was one of the participants.

One of the participants was Sofia Nystedt, who works at Destination Östersund. Right now, she is working together with Samling Näringsliv in a project called Data data. The goal of the project is to de-dramatize the issue of data and support companies to take the step to start using their data and become more data-driven.

- I came to learn more about AI and hear what the companies had to say. There was a broad mix of examples here. It has been a good day, great breadth and an open atmosphere where people have dared to ask questions. It's always fun, says Sofia.

Datadriven Utveckling i Östersund

Daniel Nordberg from Forefront Consulting.

Daniel Nordberg works at the consulting company Forefront. Daniel found out about the event quite late and decided to participate.

- I understood that there were lectures on AI and data-driven development, but I had quite low expectations and maybe that's why I was so pleasantly surprised! It was great, it felt professional and stable. I got a little inspired and got some ideas that I'm going to pitch internally, says Daniel.

Datadriven Utveckling i Östersund

Jonatan Lundgren, teacher in informatics and computer science at Mid Sweden University, took the opportunity to participate.

Another participant was Jonatan Lundgren, who works as a teacher in informatics and computer science at Mid Sweden University.

- I wanted to learn new things and hear fun, practical examples of how AI is used. I don't work with AI today, but I teach system development, and AI is a popular tool in the industry and it's important that our students learn to experiment with it themselves, says Jonatan.

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Read more about the project DIGIT – data-driven sustainable transformation


Do you have any questions?

Do you have questions about data-driven development, want to bounce ideas off each other or are you looking for new contacts? Get in touch with Samling Näringsliv in Jämtland/Härjedalen or Bron Innovation in Västernorrland:


Maja Bergstrand, Business Collection in Jämtland/Härjedalen

073-720 42 59, Maja.bergstrand@samlingnaringsliv.se


Johan Stenborg, Bron Innovation in Västernorrland

073-335 93 55, johan.stenborg@broninnovation.se


Datadriven Utveckling i Östersund

Watch the presentations

Here you can take part in concrete examples where data-driven technology is used to achieve energy efficiency, create innovative business models and increase profitability.












The page was updated 4/26/2024