Autonomous friction measurement and airport monitoring

The airport of the future will be largely autonomous and will have a high degree of remote control. This places high demands on reliable technology and monitoring, technologies that are developed in close cooperation with industry.

Flygplan på väg att lyfta från en vintrig flygplats.
Ett räddningsfordon på en olycksplats

Guide drones from airports - Can save lives at a accident

Using drone technology to quickly get an overview of an accident scene provides valuable information to save time and save lives. Within the project, the airport security system DRIWS has been further developed to also include airborne objects.
Tre forskare i varselkläder står vid en autonom fyrhjuling på en landningsbana

Autonomous measurement of the runway surface

A self-driving quadricycle has been developed to measure the landing surface. The measurement system combines laser and camera technology and has been further developed by the project's partner Klimator and adapted to the airport's needs.
Bil som kör på en landningsbana på Örnsköldsviks flygplats.

New camera technology is launched

In collaboration with the company Klimator, new technology for detecting the surface of the runway has been developed. See how the technology is tested today and how it can be used in the future!

Project leader

Anna-Maria Selvehed

Fakultetshandläggare|Faculty Administrative Officer

+46 (0)10-1428697

Project members

Johan Casselgren

Maria Wall Petrini

Gunnar Olsson

Anders Lundin

Viktoria Bogren

Johan Söderlind Åström

Erik Bäckman

Patrik Jonsson

Robert Gyllroth

Kjell Torin


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The page was updated 6/30/2024