Digital solution to a digital problem – Can mobile filming be used as a method to counter harassment online?
The purpose is to develop a material through a visual method for social change, based on young people's experiences of harassment on social media (as victims and/or perpetrators), ie a method to counteract harassment and increase young people's action competence, and inform adults about the problem.
In 2019, a pre-study was conducted where the overall aim was to gain increased knowledge about young people's perspectives on the problem of threats, bullying/harassment and harassment on digital media and together with the participants understand what can reduce the risks of this phenomenon online. The goal was that the pre-study would generate knowledge as a basis for developing preventive and remedial interventions. This project is a follow-up study based on the results of the previous study and on views on the results from staff in Sundsvall municipality who work with children and young people.
The overall aim of this project is a development of the previous purpose, where an intervention in the form of a visual method (mobile film) developed to create participation and social change is used. An expected result is that young people's work becomes a material that informs about the consequences and facts about the problem and is aimed at victims, perpetrators and at adults who need more knowledge and who in the long run can lead to measures that benefit young people who use social media.
The research questions concern the possibilities of mobile filming to be used among young people to engage both themselves and adults in the work against harassment on social media.
Participants are young people and staff at recreation centers in Sundsvall municipality.
Due to the corona pandemic we plan to start the study in the autumn of 2021, but do the main data collection in the beginning of 2022.
This is a project in collaboration with Sundsvall municipality in accordance with the collaboration agreement.
Digital lösning på ett digitalt problem
Presentation av projektresultat på Mittlyftet den 4 maj 2023.Facts
Project period