Local labor market programs – Challenges of and for an inclusive labor market
In this program, we map and examine how local labor market programs can contribute to increase the inclusion on the labor market.
The subject Public Health Science at Mid Sweden University is one of three main subjects at the Department of Health Sciences, located at Campus Sundsvall.
Our research focuses primarily on our psychosocial and physical environment, but there is also research on the subject that aims at increasing the awareness of the links between lifestyles and health. The three main research areas focus on equality in health, and many of our projects have a gender and intersectionality perspective.
Public health science can be characterized as an interdisciplinary and societal subject, and it can be clearly linked to Mid Sweden University’s overall sustainability goals and its environmental, social, economic, and cultural perspectives. Many of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (www.regeringskansliet.se) are central to the three research profiles of the subject.
Most of the goals are part of our research projects, however, some specific goals and targets can be mentioned in connection with our three research profile areas.
These include Quality education (SDG 4) and Gender equality (SDG 5), which include the elimination of discrimination and violence against girls and women, and to ensure women full and effective participation as well as equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life.
With a focus on the establishment of newly arrived migrants in society — Good health and well-being (SDG 3), which includes prevention and treatment to reduce the number of people who die prematurely from non-communicable diseases and to promote mental health and well-being. Furthermore, Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) that include safeguarding workers’ rights and promoting a safe and safe working environment for all workers, including labour migrants, in particular female migrants, and people in precarious employment; Reduced inequalities (SDG 10) which includes the elimination of discriminatory legislation, policies, and practices.
Focusing on the health economy and the promotion of security in low- and middle-income countries — No Poverty (Objective 1), which includes the development of policies and development strategies that support increased investment in poverty eradication measures. Good health and well-being (Objective 3), which includes the objective of reducing the share of fatalities and injuries in road traffic accidents worldwide. The objective of Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12) includes achieving environmentally sound management of chemicals and all types of waste throughout their life cycle, as well as minimising their negative impacts on human health and the environment.
The researchers of the subject Public Health Science are supervisors for doctoral students in Sweden and in countries such as Iran, Bangladesh, Mozambique, India, Palestine. The research teams have an extensive international network and collaborate with several international universities and research institutions.
In this program, we map and examine how local labor market programs can contribute to increase the inclusion on the labor market.
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The page was updated 12/10/2024