INNOKOMP, Innovative powder-based component technology, focuses on powder, a green technology, as raw material for further processing. Part of the project focuses on additive manufacturing as an opportunity for advanced and flexible products in terms of production volume and mass production.
Digitalization of society and the need for advanced products in, for example, energy, transport, aviation and medical technical products, make demands. These product solutions are advantageously created by a combination of powder technologies. The project's aim is to develop new product solutions for end users, increase the rate of development and competitiveness in technology procurement of advanced components.
The project is based on results from a previous Vinnova-funded project, where the most promising challenges have been taken to industrialization in project INNOKOMP. Around 15 partners collaborate in the project, consisting of companies and universities. Chalmers University of Technology is project manager.
Sports Tech Research Centre will lead the work with development and demonstration of design for additive manufacturing and post processing within the EBM method, together with AIM Sweden, Chalmers, Sandvik Coromant and Swerea KIMAB.
The project is funded by Vinnova within the programme Challenge-driven Innovation, Step 3 "Följdinvesteringar" (Swedish).
Project period
Research centers
Project leader