Innovative component technology via powder technology
Universities, industry and institutes work together to develop new powder technology solutions focusing on products in vehicles, aviation and energy. The project integrates material development with powder sintering and hetisostatic pressing, but also additive manufacturing.
Competitive and sustainable production is based on high value-added technology where it is adapted to different needs of products and solutions. Powder technology is such a technology where Sweden is a world leader with 25-30% of all metal powder production and access to manufacturing methods for powder components via key players in industry, universities and institutes. The aim of the project is to bring together existing and / or modified powder technology with a focus on products in aviation, vehicles and advanced energy applications.
Powder technology is one of the most economical techniques in terms of material utilization and energy consumption from raw material to final product. Together with the innovation potential and added value, this creates the conditions for economically viable solutions and the position of strength in the area provides the conditions for a global presence. In the project, technologies (HIP and sintering technology) are being further developed and combined and integrated with new technologies such as additive manufacturing. Conditions are created for new products and solutions that have not been shown / tested before.
In the project, powder manufacturers, end users, technology suppliers, manufacturers and universities / institutes work together to secure commercial and knowledge-creating value chains. Within the project, technologies are being developed around HIP and additive manufacturing for expensive materials (eg Ni and Ti) as well as new processing technology. The project takes a comprehensive approach to sintering for PM steel, MIM and metal printing. Pre-standardization work addresses powder characterization and material data.
Project period
- AGA Gas AB
- Avure Technologies
- Callo Sintermetall AB
- Carpenter Powder Products
- Chalmers
- Digital Metal AB
- FJ Sintermetal AB
- GKN Aerospace AB
- Höganäs Sweden AB
- Kongsberg Automotive AB
- Metec Technologies AB
- Sandvik Coromant AB
- Sandvik Materials Technology
- Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
- Stockholms Universitet
- Swerea KIMAB AB
- Volvo Powertrain AB
Research centers
Project leader