DIGIT − Sustainable Digital Transformation
The projects overall objective is that companies in the region can use the opportunities that AI, IoT and data-driven development bring to strengthen competitiveness and develop sustainable product...
The projects overall objective is that companies in the region can use the opportunities that AI, IoT and data-driven development bring to strengthen competitiveness and develop sustainable product...
NIIT is a new research action at Mid Sweden University. The industrial focus is the next generation IoT technology and methods supporting the transformation of the process industries. The research ...
The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the green and digital transformation of the region’s businesses with artificial intelligence to boost growth and develop sustainable products and...
The project will increase knowledge, recruit and build competence in Artificial Intelligence in Västernorrland and Jämtland / Härjedalen through targeted recruitment efforts to Mid Sweden Universit...
The target of this research is to come up with a step by step design instruction for AI experts to modify and optimize their acoustic sensor array for robust and reliable AI monitoring system.
The aim of the project is to identify surface defects in tube manufacturing with relevant data from surface measurements with machine vision systems and developed AI-based method for data managemen...
This project wil enable the development of IoT-based solutions in construction machinery with the aim of reducing and making visible CO2 emissions in planning, procurement and accounting.
This prestudy will bring together forest industry actors in industry, network actors and academia in order to develop a strategic initiative that will accelerate the use of AI-based information to...
I projektet "IoT Testbäddar" ska nationella testbäddar inom smart industri och smarta samhällen etableras samt en tankesmedja inom IoT med målet att öka forskning och utveckling i regionen.
The page was updated 3/23/2023